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cause cold
chills me to the bones
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![]() Annabel Audrey Christine Eisabess Eunice Evia Jane Jiayun Kelila Lihui Likai Meiru NHBG Olivia Peklian Puikay Qilin Ruixuan Sermin Yeshze Yingying Nicholas Kh Phoebe Qianling Xavier Xianlin Xinyi Xinying Yingsuan Yuhan #002 #005 204'08 |
![]() No, Lihui, you're not cute.
After some attempts at my self-awareness, I officially conclude that I have lost my life by watching Japanese dramas non-stop. Cute monsters residing in Blogthings; quizzes from Kelila/Bessy. No, Lihui, you're not cute. Bwahahaha. XD What Your Cute Monster Says About You ![]() You are a vibrant, vivacious person. When you live, you live as wildly and loudly as possible. You are very bold. You are willing to stand up and be a leader. Your inner demon is intensity. You have a tendency to let your passions take over. People think you're cute because you're fiery. When you get worked up, it's charming. What Your Cute Monster Says About You ![]() You are a simply happy person. You still view the world with a childlike innocence. You have an easy going attitude, and you value harmony. You love freely and inspire others to love. You inner demon is frailty. You are easily beaten down by life. People think you're cute because you are optimistic. Your outlook on life is charming. - I finished Pika☆nchi and Pika☆☆nchi Double in a sitting. Arashi's acting is superb! :D Haru Takuma Bon Chu Shun. ♥ - Moar quizzes! What Your Taste in Chocolate Says About You | |
![]() You are unique, creative, and fascinating. You don't do what's expected of you. You go for what's unknown and uncharted. You are emotionally expressive and sensitive. You're effected by everything around you. Your friends appreciate your open heart, but they are afraid of hurting your feelings. You love to be in love. You crave romance, whether you're single or not. You feel lost when you don't feel passion... you need someone to adore. You Are a Zombie | |
![]() You're a pretty apathetic person, and you often feel like you're sleep walking through life. You don't necessarily have a case of the “blues”, but you do have a case of the “blahs.” It's hard for you to snap out of your boring every day routine. You're a bit burned out. The only thing you crave is the company of others. But you're not too nice to the people who do hang around you. Your greatest power: Your lack of a normal conscience Your greatest weakness: Your lack of most emotions You play well with: Aliens back to top? |
![]() Stand Up!! :}
Official PV of Beautiful Days! But it's edited, not the full version. :( Anyhow, it's still very nice~ I've finally finished watching Stand Up!!, after so long! :D Ugh the last few eps are as horny and screwed up as the rest. -.- I can't wait for Ryusei no Kizuna ep 3 and Bloody Monday ep 1 to be uploaded online! :) THREE MORE DAYS TO ARASHI AROUND ASIA 2008 CONCERT @ SEOUL. ♥ SEVEN MORE DAYS TO THE RELEASE OF BEAUTIFUL DAYS. Six more days to the first japanese class at Cambridge Languages! :D I need $ to buy Nino's Otakara photobook and the Beautiful Days single. Mamamia. *edit* Many many performances of A.Ra.Shi in concerts, all compiled together!!! :D Kakkoii ne~ back to top? |
![]() Okaeri, Momo-chan
♫ truth / ArashiI spent yesterday and today watching Kimi wa Petto. I finished it in two sittings! :) Jun was really, really, really very cute as Momo. ♥ Sumire and Momo are damn sweet together!!! :D:D I think it'd be damn great to have a pet like Momo! :B I missed today's training because I woke up late, ROAR UAIJKNASDNAJDSBASOUDJNCLKSNDJSD. I wanted to go training one lor!!!!! -o- Friendly with AMK Sec on Thurs, yabai! :o I shall check later if Yamataro's videos on Mysoju are repaired, so I can FINALLY watch that drama if the vids do work now. If not.. I think I'll watch some other drama? :/ - lihui LOL WTV LA! Lihui / chicken / yadan, all the same. :B! Eh, why only now?! O_o 'KYASHA Haha thank you! Sorry for troubling you. :} back to top? |
![]() RNK EP 2!!!!! :D:D
OHMG YAY MY DOWNLOAD OF RYUSEI NO KIZUNA EP 2 SUCCEEDED!!!!!!!:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D Now I don't need to wait for Mysoju to upload Ep 2 already, haha yay! :D Shall watch it after I get back from badminton with Bessy, Yupeng, Josh etc. :) Kk see youuu. back to top? |
![]() Beautiful Days PV preview! + Arashi news
A sneak preview of Beautiful Days' PV + Ryusei no Kizuna ep 1. Ohno with angel wings~ :D:D And I love the drawn-on tears, cho kirei ne! (L) The sneak preview made me become even more impatient to watch the actual full PV! :((( Stupid me went to download the PV preview because I didn't know people had uploaded it on Youtube, -.- YAY, I've finished watching Hana Kimi SP and Ryusei no Kizuna ep 1 this morning!! :D RYUSEI NO KIZUNA IS THE SEX. IT'S DAMN FREAKING NICE OKAY. 8D (Naturally, with Nino inside. ♥) Weely can't wait for ep 2!! D: - ALSO, ![]() ![]() Taiwanese (?) news on Arashi coming to Taiwan for their concert 8D 8D 8D. And here too! YATTA!! back to top? |
![]() Pe-ach~!
HANA KIMI SPECIAL ROCKED OHMG.(Yes yes yes it's up on Mysoju already hurry up and watch it before you die of over-excitement!!) Some stuff that I'm going to mention from this line on maaaay be spoilers so beware. :B Parts of this memorable episode that I loved/are superhilarious!
![]() OHNO! (Satoshi! :D)
♫ LIFE / ArashiThe laptop has run out of disk space again. YABAI. Did I really download so many Arashi show episodes..? :( Nevermind I shall start joining Ryusei no Kizuna ep 1 nao. HJSplit Ily. back to top? |
![]() aaa08/seoul: 07
♫ Futari no Kinenbi / ArashiPK and Fish just left my house. :D:D:D Haha we did nothing but slack slack slack. I think it was damn boring for them, sumimasen!!! :( We only watched some Arashi shows, Youtube videos and read through my magazines. Boring much? :l And a big SORRY to Christine for waking up super late and thus not being able to meet up with her at JEC! In the end she went to sign up herself after all, ://////. - In case you guys haven't already known, BEAUTIFUL DAYS, ARASHI'S 24TH SINGLE, WILL BE OUT ON 5TH NOVEMBER! ♥ ![]() ![]() Regular edition / Limited edition I seriously think the reg. ed is much nicer than the LE! -o- So I AM SO BUYING THE RE BEAUTIFUL DAYS SINGLE!!!!!!!! :D S$20 plus minus. Yatta! :D (Time to save money again) I can't wait for Japanese classes. >W< 10 more days! If the date's confirmed to be 0411. back to top? |
![]() I love you 204!
♫ Be With You / ArashiWent to Bright Hill Temple with family to pray for Grandma; it's her death anniversary today. Eldest brother drove as usual :D:D. After that, he dropped us at Bishan MRT and left. Then my 2nd brother, my mom and I went to lunch at the food court. I ate Jap food heehee ♥. Went to look at Jap drama DVDs at Poh Kim after that. YAMATARO DVD :(((. Took the train to Orchard after that to go to Kino. Yey :D. I love my mom/brother a lot a lot a lot. Because they allowed me to buy japanese magazines. Yattaaa. I bought Myojo and Popolo December issues. Myojo Dec didn't cover much Arashi stuff. D: POPOLO DID AND IT WAS FRICKIN' AWESOME. ♥ EXTRA LONG PULL-OUT POSTER YAY!!!!!! Myojo offered FOUR glossies of the HSJ cast of Scrap Teacher, that's like damn unfair/biased can. -o- OH AND KINO PUT UP A SMALL RYUSEI NO KIZUNA PAPER BANNER ON ONE OF THE PILLARS AND BELOW IT WERE THE RNK JAPANESE NOVELS!!!!! AAAAAAAHHHHHHH. KINO'S HAVING A RNK FEVER NOW TOO, YAY!!!!!!!!! :D I wanted to take a photo of the RnK advertisment badly but couldn't because it was damn embarrassing haha. Brother went to pick up Meiyu jie, then Mom and I took the train to JEC in the evening to inquire about the jap lessons at Cambridge Languages. Gosh we finally went to the right branch. ;_; And turns out it's actually better than Stanford! I never knew it was that good, oops. Haha. Anyway, I signed up for the Tues class commencing on 0411 (tentatively) and helped Christine reserve a seat in the class. YAY same class as Ruixuan! :) Ohmg can't wait for Jap lessons yey! :D Will be accompanying Christine to sign up tomorrow in the afternoon, then PK and Fish will be coming over to my house to see my mags and for PK to buy her Shirota Yuu clippings. :} back to top? |
![]() A.M.N.O.S (L)
♫ Tochuugesha / ArashiToday's post-exam activity: SINGAPORE BIENNALE '08! :D Took hired bus to City Hall with class. The art museum thingum place used to be an army camp. -shivers- PK, Lihui and Fish made me creep out along with them haha. But I think the place's pretty nice :D. I LOVE LOVE the line art on the walls!!!!! Wahrao (L). And the decomposed sugar + starch sculpture WAS pretty. Now it just stinks hahaa. Oh and, the white 'One Hundred Years Of Solitude' wall is damn kakkoii too. :D Super good for practising photography skills. I seriously think one hour isn't enough for us to look at all the artwork in the place, but ah whatever. In class, PK also played the Moviemaker video she made for all of us in class :D. YAY I TOTALLY HIGHED WHEN SMILE PLAYED YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -screamssssss- HAHA PK ILY LIKE MAD OKAY. :D :D :D :D :D :D Totally suited the Pulau Semakau photos can!!!!!!! (L) (Duh, it's ARASHI.) And Fishyyyyyy, don't be so sad because you didn't save the video into your disc!!! You can upload it into Youtube and post the vid into the class blog anytime you want :). Don't freak out lahr water hamster hahaha. Last photo was the BEST. :) 最高ですね! Hahaaaaa. {edit} We took a LOT of class photos too. YATTA!!!!!! I LOVED THE PHOTO-TAKINGS YAYYYYY. BECAUSE I WAS GODDAMN HIGH HAHA. YAY I made all of us (PK, Fish, Lihui, Huineng) do Shun's BINBO DANSHI VICTORY SIGN!!!!!!!! \\// \\// VICTORY!!!! ♥ {/edit} Roar, today is like really the last day of school we get to spend with each other in school. :( I'm pretty sure I'll miss classes with 204 next year onwards. Hurszxszxszx. I'm really scared I won't be able to be in the same class as Fish, PK, Lihui, Huineng, Audrey, etc etc etc. And that I may not be able to hang out with them like always last year and this year.. UGH :(. Okay, training today was okay. Kind of short to me because we only trained for like two and a half hours. -o- I got hit on the forehead by Eurona's racket. x: It swelled immediately like mad and now I probably look like a luo han yu. LOL. Chatted a bit with Eu, Vanessa and Alik during training too. It was kind of slack.. :/ Bused 99 home in the evening, yey :D. - Bloody (Monday) hell I don't have sufficient money to buy Arashi's latest official photobook and Nino's Otakara photobook, HOW. Fuck. ;_; Mom doesn't want to give me any more money because I've already splurged much more than enough these two months. And I think she's already going broke LUL. Aansdhbdseiusakbjdw;oeidsknjbhsuiaksbdhjask I need to scrimp and save again now. And also cut down on my Jap fandom splurges. SHITASSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!! - Christine LOL. YES I WAS. :x Christine It's.. not. yingying Behind their backs. Middle fingers and f's. :D:D back to top? |
![]() Last day. Last memory.
♫ Niji / Aqua TimezTomorrow I don't really know how to react right now.. :/ Anyhow, I look forward to the Moviemaker video dedicated to class, done by PK and Fish. :} I really hope I won't get all emotional and break down in class -o-.. back to top? |
![]() Chekboks.
♫ Heaven / Big BangI r tagged by a chimp of ze Bessy variety. - People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs. Tag 10 people to do this quiz & those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. Continue this game by sending it to other people. People tagged: Ruixuan Christine Puikay Alicia Xinying Yingying Fish Hayati Winnie Anyone else. [x] I am shorter than 5'4. [x] I think I'm ugly sometimes. [ ] I have many scars. [ ] I tan easily. [ ] I wish my hair was a different color. [ ] I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color. [ ] I have a tattoo. [x] I am self-conscious about my appearance. [ ] I have/I've had braces [x] I wear glasses. [ ] I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar-free. [ ] I've been told I'm attractive by a complete stranger. [ ] I have more than 2 piercings. [ ] I have piercing in places besides my ears. [x] I have freckles. [ ] I hate my dad. [ ] I hate my mom. [x] I have a brother [ ] I have a sister. [x] I've sworn at my parents [ ] I've run away from home. [ ] I've been kicked out of the house. [x] My biological parents are together [ ] I have a sibling less than one year old. [ ] I want to have kids someday. [ ] I've had children. [ ] I've lost a child. [x] I'm in school. [ ] I have a job. [x] I've fallen asleep at work/school. [ ] I almost always do my homework. [x] I've missed a week or more of school. [ ] I've been on the Honor Roll within the last 2 years. [ ] I failed more than 1 class last year. [ ] I've stolen something from my job. [ ] I've been fired. [x] I've slipped out an "lol" in a spoken conversation. [ ] Disney movies still make me cry [ ] I've peed from laughing. [x] I've laughed so hard I've cried. [x] I've glued my hand to something. [ ] I've had my pants rip in public. [ ] I was born with a disease/impairment. [x] I've gotten stitches/staples. [ ] I've broken a bone. [ ] I've had my tonsils removed. [ ] I've sat in a doctor's office/emergency room with a friend. [ ] I've had my wisdom teeth removed. [ ] I had a serious surgery. [ ] I've had chicken pox. [ ] I was born in a different country. [ ] I've driven over 200 miles in one day. [ ] I've flied business class. [ ] I've been to New Zealand [x] I've been to America [ ] I've been to Niagara Falls. [ ] I've been to Japan. (DDDDDDDDDDD:) [ ] I've been to Hollywood [ ] I've been to Disneyland [x] I've been to Australia [ ] I've been to more than 5 countries [ ] I've seen a shooting star. (Ryusei no Kizuna!!!!!) [ ] I've wished on a shooting star. [ ] I've seen a meteor shower [x] I've gone out in public in my pajamas. [x] I've pushed all the buttons on an elevator [ ] I've kicked a guy where it hurts. [ ] I've been to the Las Vegas Casino [ ] I've been skydiving. [ ] I've gone skinny dipping. [x] I've played spin the bottle. [ ] I've drank a whole carton of milk in one hour. [ ] I've crashed a car. [ ] I've been skiing [ ] I've been in a play [ ] I've met someone in person from Myspace. [ ] I've caught a snowflake on my tongue. [ ] I've seen the Northern lights. [ ] I've sat on a roof top at night. [ ] I've played chicken. (How to play Lihui?) [x] I've played a prank on someone. [x] I've ridden in a taxi. [ ] I've seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show [x] I've eaten sushi. [ ] I've done snowboarding. [x] I'm single. [x] I'm in a relationship. (Nino. :)) [ ] I'm engaged. [x] I'm married. (Hubbies. :)) [ ] I've gone on a blind date. [x] I've been the dumper more than the dumpee. [x] I miss someone right now. [ ] I have a fear of abandonment. [ ] I've gotten divorced. [x] I've had feelings for someone who didn't have them back. [ ] I've told someone I loved them when I didn't. [ ] I've told someone I didn't love them when I did. [x] I've kept something from a past relationship. [ ] I've had a crush on someone of the same sex [ ] I'm gay. [ ] I've had sex. [ ] I've had phone sex [ ] I've had sex in public [ ] I've had a crush on a teacher [ ] I am a cuddler. [x] I've been kissed on the face. [ ] I've hugged a stranger. [ ] I have kissed a stranger [x] I've done something I promised someone else I wouldn't. [x] I've done something I promised myself I wouldn't. [ ] I've snuck out of my house. [x] I have lied to my parents about where I am. [ ] I am keeping a secret from the world. [x] I've cheated while playing a game. [x] I've cheated on a test. [ ] I've run a red light. [ ] I've been suspended from school. [ ] I've witnessed a crime [ ] I've been in a fist fight [ ] I've been arrested. [ ] I've consumed wine. [ ] I regularly drink. [ ] I've passed out from drinking. [ ] I have passed out drunk at least once in the past 6 months. [ ] I've smoked weed. [ ] I've taken painkillers when I didn't need them. [ ] I've eaten shrooms. [ ] I've popped E. [ ] I've inhaled Nitrous. [ ] I've done hard drugs. [ ] I have cough drops when I'm not sick. [x] I can't swallow pills. (TOTALLY.) [ ] I can swallow about 5 pills at a time no problem. [ ] I have been diagnosed with clinical depression. [ ] I have been diagnosed with one or more anxiety disorder. [x] I shut others out when I'm depressed. [ ] I take anti-depressants. [ ] I'm anorexic. [ ] I've slept an entire day when I didn't need it. [ ] I've hurt myself on purpose. [x] I've woken up crying. [x] I'm afraid of dying. (More like I'm afraid of the people around me dying.) [ ] I hate funerals [x] I've seen someone dying. [ ] Someone close to me has attempted suicide. [ ] Someone close to me has committed suicide. [ ] I've planned my own suicide. [ ] I've attempted suicide. [ ] I've written a eulogy for myself. [ ] I own over 5 rap CDs. [ ] I own an iPod or MP3 player. [ ] I have an unhealthy obsession with anime/manga. [x] I own a plushie of my fave character from anything. [ ] I own a cosplay outfit. [x] I know what cosplay means. [ ] I own multiple designer clothes, costing over $100 a piece [ ] I own something from Guess. [ ] I own something from D.K.N.Y. [ ] I own something from ESPRIT. [ ] I own something from Gap. [ ] I own something from LEVI's. [ ] I own a golf set. [ ] I can sing well. [ ] I've stolen a tray from a fast food restaurant. [ ] I open up to others easily. [ ] I watch the news [ ] I don't kill bugs. [ ] I hate hearing songs that sacrifice meaning for the sake of being able to rhyme. [x] I sing in the shower. [ ] I am a morning person. [ ] I paid for my cell phone ring tone. [x] I'm a snob about grammar. [x] I am a sports fanatic. [x] I twirl my hair. [ ] I have "x"s in my screen name. [ ] I love being neat. [ ] I love Spam. [ ] I've copied more than 30 CD's in a day. [ ] I bake well. back to top? |
![]() I want to be together, be together
♫ Hey Hey Lovin' You / Arashi (:D)Hai I am feeling rather happy and content right nao because I napped a lot just now heehee. :D And also listening to happy Arashi songs adds on to the mood! Aha 8D. Okie yesterday 2110. Got mom to sign the S3 combi form in the morning in school, she had to come all the way to school to sign it. ;_; -super super guilty- Thanks Alicia for printing it for me! :D Went to Qifa Pri with Rachel Peh, Shuning, Pearlynn, Yuhan, Huifang, Zihui, Yuxiang, Qizhou and Clara for the Big Brother Big Sister camp practice/briefing, during school hours. We totally spent school there lahr, didn't even get to go back to school after that. -o- BUT I COMPLETELY MISSED INLINE SKATING WITH CLASS, UGH ROAR!!!!!!!!!! Mr Ng doesn't allow me to stay in school.. D: Anyway, student leaders from each school introduced their games for the camp. Our games were Cling Cling, Caterpillar (?) and the Benches game. :D Yay Cling Cling! ♥ We also introduced some cheers we did for OC. Like the fever cheer and the "my side, my side, my side my front my back" cheer thingum. :Dv The whole thing ended at twelve-ish. I had to go register for Jap lessons with Christine so I couldn't go training.. -o- Bused to IMM with Clara, Huifang, Zihui, Pearlynn and Yuhan and lunched at Subway :). After that, we splitted. I went to find PK, Fish and Lihui as they just came to IMM. Yay Fish brought super pretty clippings! ♥♥♥ And Lihui, Fish and PK took a LOT of photos with class people. Photo-taking day! Haha. Lots of self-cam pictures. :D I took some with them too. Walked around at IMM for a bit, then went to JEC to meet Christine/my mom to register for the jap lessons at JE. Haha Lihui says Christine is super thin and vice-versa. The bamboo calling the other bamboo thin. x:! And you know what, we couldn't find the Cambridge Lang Centre AT ALL. :( We only found the other branch which was closed down so we thought there wasn't any open Cambridge Lang Centre in Jurong at all LOL. So we went to see another lang centre, Stanford Lang Centre which offers Jap lessons as well. We found out that its classes are cheaper than Cambridge's classes and they follow the Year 4-1 system. And their cert's recognised too! Luckily, mom allowed me to go. >< Yay then we camwhored with Christine as well! After much persuading. :D After that, we all homed. Fish took the train; the rest of us went back to IMM to take shuttle bus to JP LOL. Zi high-ed along the way yay ARASHI!!!!!!!! :D Slept in the shuttle bus. x: Then PK and I went to JW Library to look for Jap books for a while. We borrowed one each. It took me only a while last night to finish reading the book la! -.- - KYO WA! Today's post-exam activity was flower arrangement. IKEBANA/JAP FLORAL ARRANGEMENT!!! :D (Too bad it wasn't) The people teaching sucked at controlling us heehee. We merged with 210 in the AVA room for the activity. We learnt how to fold a rose using the cloth paper thingum. Mine's blue! :D I totally sucked at it and it took me SUPER MANY TRIES to get it right. -o- We realised that today all our things in our lockers were MISSING. PK/Fish said our books and stuff were all CLEANED OUT. Meaning it may have been thrown away. OHMGGGGGGGG. I have my Koizora mangas and Kelila's chinese novel inside!!!!!!! -DIES- After flower arrangment was.. clay moulding. o.o At Art Studio 2. We made JAPANESE bowls. :D YAY I DECORATED MY BOWL WITH THE KANJI ARASHI WORD AND 'NINO-CHAN' IN KATAKANA!!!! ♥ Then I homed with PK, Fish and Lihui. PK and Lihui bused 154 home today :(. So I took the train with Xuxu haha. She was going to Toa Payoh to meet up with some forum guy to collect his hamster wheel. XD Yay I slept a lot when I got home. Slept from 3 to 5, then slept again to seven plus. :) :) :) I spam-downloaded Arashi icons yesterday and today again. I think there should be at least 50 more Arashi icons now. D: I am itching to watch Hana Kimi SP, RnK ep 1 and Bloody Monday ep 1. ;_; - Christine HAHA yay :D:D:D. Pika*nchi and Pika**nchi Double? Idk leh. O_o lihui LOL wtv!! back to top? |
![]() shichi things! :)
♫ Wish / ArashiFinally got the time to do this quiz from Christine's blog. LALALA I IZ DAM HAI NAO. - Seven things that scare you. 1. Darkness 2. Heights 3. Deep water 4. Drowning in water (LUL) 5. NOT BEING ABLE TO BE A FAN OF ARASHI AND JSTUFF (hubbies!). 6. People that I love dying. :( Includes family, friends, idols 7. Not being healthy when I grow up. (diseases?) Seven things that you love the most. 1. ARASHI ♥ 2. MY JAPANESE MAGAZINES. 3. Computer! 4. Handphone! C: 5. ARASHI'S SONGS!! 6. Pretty drawings/designs! 7. Colours :D. Seven important things in your room. 1. JAPANESE MAGAZINES. 2. Bed/pillow/bolster? ._. 3. Phone charger. I charge my phone at my bedside table when I go to sleep. 4. PHONE. To listen to Arashi songs when I sleep. 5. Wardrobe! Clothes haha. 6. Radio! Although reception in the room's too poor to even listen to radio channels ;_;. 7. LIGHT. LOL. (cho lame) Seven random facts about you. 1. I AM A JFAN. 2. I AM A BIG FAN OF ARASHI, AN EXTREMELY POPULAR JAPANESE BOYBAND WITH WORLDWIDE FANS (I'm one of them!)! ♥ 3. I love the colours green and orange. And not to mention blue, red, purple and yellow because these are the rest of Arashi's official colours. XD 4. I aspire to become a designer when I grow up. And work with Arashi and design items for them. x: 5. I dream to work in Japan so I can get closer to Arashi. ♥ And maybe get a Japanese boyfriend there, LUL. 6. I can't wait for the day I catch my first Arashi concert!!!!!! 7. I love egg tarts. Seven things you plan to do before you die. 1. HANG OUT WITH ARASHI. 2. ATTEND AT LEAST ONE ARASHI CONCERT. 3. TAKE A PHOTO WITH ARASHI AS A GROUP AND SEPARATELY. 4. Go on a full-day date with Ninomiya: have him teach me to play the guitar/piano, play video games together, etc. 5. Spend a day shopping with Matsujun :D:D:D. 6. HAVE AN EXTREMELY FUN DAY WITH AIBA-CHAN!!!!!!! Bonus point if animals are involved :D. 7. Write thank-you letters/letters of appreciation to every single person who knows me. Seven things you can do. 1. FANGIRL. Over Arashi, my hubbies, Tegomass, Chinen/Yamada, anybody pretty! 2. Listen to Arashi's songs every single day. 3. Draw (I hope). 4. Spend the whole day using the computer/playing games/doing Arashi-related things on the Net. 5. Not drink water for the whole day. 6. Do Shun's Binbo Danshi "Victory" sign with both hands!! \\// \\// 7. Make my pointer and little fingers of both hands link. (Cus I HAZ LINK/COMMON SENSE!) Seven things you can't do. 1. Attend an Arashi concert (yet). 2. See Arashi in person (yet). 3. Do a split. 4. Go to Japan (yet). 5. Swim well (yet I hope?!). 6. Not use the computer for at most a day. (but not everytime) 7. NOT fangirl over Arashi. Seven things you say the most. 1. What the fuck! 2. AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHASDKJADBHADSHBAD (fangirlings of Arashi/hubbies/etc) 3. What the hell? 4. Oh my god. 5. OH NO! (LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL, SATOSHI) 6. Shit! 7. Oh, okay. Seven songs you recently listened to. 1. Itsuka no Summer (listening now!) / Arashi (Aiba Masaki) 2. Hanasanai! / Arashi 3. Wish / Arashi 4. DANGAN-LINER / Arashi 5. Deep na Bouken / Arashi 6. Kazamidori / Arashi (Ninomiya Kazunari) 7. Do My Best / Arashi Seven movies you've been planning to watch. 1. Kurosagi (The Black Swindler) 2. Cyborg She 3. Crows Zero II 4. Wall-E 5. Negative Happy Chainsaw Edge 6. PIKA★NCHI 7. PIKA★★NCHI DOUBLE Seven favourite artistes. 1. NINOMIYA KAZUNARI. 2. OGURI SHUN. 3. MATSUMOTO JUN. 4. AIBA MASAKI. 5. OHNO SATOSHI. 6. IKUTA TOMA. 7. HARUMA MIURA. Seven people you tag to do this quiz. 1. Eisabess. 2. Puikay. 3. Lihui. 4. Winnie. 5. Fish. 6. Ruixuan. 7. Anyone/everyone else! :) back to top? |
YAY I AM GOING FOR JAPANESE CLASSES AT CAMBRIDGE LANGUAGE CENTRE, JE WITH CHRISTINEEEEEEE. :DRUIXUAN IS GOING WITH JINYEE TOO, AND WE'RE ALL GOING FOR TUESDAY'S LESSONS. I'm gonna register for Tuesday's Jap classes tomorrow! After training. Yay :). I love my family for willing to fork out so much $monehhh$ for me. (L) Ohmg went super, super, super high with Christine in MSN over the Nino cam video. XDDDDDD I LOVE ARASHI FOR BEING SO CRACK/SPAZZY/HYPER/DORKY/CRAZY/TALENTED/LOVABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ♥ And then I spreaded my spaz to PK LOL. x: Okay I've submitted my 3 choices for S3 subject combinations, finally. :l 1st choice: Elect Hist./Higher Art 2nd choice: Elect Geog./Higher Art 3rd choice: Elect Hist./Pure Geog. Please don't reprimand me/nag nag nag at me for choosing these combinations and that I should do it *your* way instead because (a) there's no use telling me now because I've already submitted my choices and (b) I should be the one deciding my subjects for myself. :Dv If I suey suey tio my third choice I think I'll have to appeal for my 9th subject, Art. Is it true that if you take up Higher Art, you'll automatically have Art as your 9th subject?! :O Okay, transferred the $8.40 to the blogshop owner selling the GYAO mag with Shun on the cover for Christine this evening. Haha I hope Christine'll receive her magazine fast fast. :) Eurona, you owe me $0.50! (House Bunny movie tix money) Hayati owes me $0.40; Christine owes me $3.40. HAHA. OH MAN I THINK I'LL HAVE TO MISS INLINE SKATING IN SCHOOL TOMORROW BECAUSE OF THE BLOODY BBBS BRIEFING/MEETING/PRACTICE OVER AT QIFA PRIMARY WITHIN SCHOOL HOURS. WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. :( I WAS LOOKING FORWARD TO FLOATING AROUND IN SCHOOL COMPOUNDS ONE LEH!! But nevermind at least I'll be able to catch training + team lunch (♥) after school tomorrow! :) :) - lihui Me so happy or you so happy? :o lihui LOL I AM OVER THE SHOOTING STARZZZ YAY!!!!!!! (Ryusei no Kizuna) fish LOL, yeah. WATCH THE BAI FEN BAI ONE!!! I'M DAMN PROUD OF ARASHI BECAUSE EVEN XIAO ZHU AND XIAO GUI WANT TO CATCH THEIR CONCERT YAY!!!! ♥ And Xiao Zhu is damn funny hahaha. I❤SHUN OGURI. LOL ME TOO!!!!!!!!!! :( TOO BAD IT'S OVER ALREADY OMGGGGGGGG. JUN'S AND AIBA'S HAIR ARE DAMN DAMN NICE ESP. JUN'S!!!!!!!!!!!! clara Haha okay! :D:D puikay :D LOL. Did you watch all of the vids I posted? ._. - I LOVE ARASHI I LOVE ARASHI I LOVE ARASHI I LOVE ARASHI I LOVE ARASHIIIIIIIIIII. ♥ 嵐大好きです! ♥ back to top? |
![]() RnK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
![]() I iz binbomen nao.
I CLEAN forgot about my wanting to buy Cut magazine, Nov issue. Nino's fuxing hot photoshoot!!!But I'm totally broke right nao (duh) so I'll need to list out how much I need to save. :( Christine's equally broke too. Haha. I need to save money for: 1 Cut Nov. issue (approx. $15) 2 Nino's Otakara photobook ($25.80) 3 Oricon Style 1808 - 2508 issue ($12, online) 4 Yamada Taro Monogatari DVD ($25) /optional 5 All of Fish's sis' mags I reserved to buy (!) ($65+) Shit manzzz. :( Also, my bruthaaa actually allowed me to sign up for Jap lessons at Cambridge Lang Centre @ JE!!!! Ohmg. As much as I feel elated, I feel rather guilty too because the lesson fees AREN'T cheap at all and Idk how my brother's going to manage the household money in our family :(. Ugh, how? D: (I need to repay my family for spending so much money on me when I grow up! ;_;) - I MAY be taking elect. History + Higher Art as first choice, if my Art marks can make it above 80. :( PLEASE DON'T REMIND ME ABOUT MY ART MARKS FOR END OF YEARS, FUXXXXXXX. I hate myself for procastinating and resulting in low marks for EOYs for Art this year. Wtf manz. - Are us S2's going for the Singapore Biennale '08 event next week for post-exam activities? :D:D Because if we are I'll be super damn happy because it's an ART event/exhibition. 8D I am equally fizzed up about the Anime Festival Asia 2211 - 2311!!!!! ANIME, MANGA, JAPANESE CULTURE Yatta, so many events in store this holiday. :D back to top? |
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![]() Arashi FTW (L)!
♫ Yabai-Yabai-Yabai / Arashi (Jun solo)I GOT MY REPAIRED HANDPHONE BACK! ♥ But thing is, MY MEMSTIX IS GONEEEEEEEEEEE. Fwaaaaaaaaah. :( :( :( I have to find back all my bloody contacts again, so troublesome!!! But my brother has helped me got a new SIM card with my same phone number, yay I love him! :D So efficient. And now all my themes and games are gone too.. UGH ASDJBASBDBDSAHJABSDHSA. *edit* PLEASE GIVE ME YOUR NUMBERS IN ANY WAY YOU WANT (sms, MSN, school, class, etc), AS LONG AS I RETRIEVE YOUR NUMBERS AGAIN! Because I've lost all my numbers. :( Arigato! Anyway, today! Went to Fish's house with PK and Christine to look/buy her sister's jap mags. :D Met up with PK and Christine at JP at twelve for PK to pay her house bills before taking train to Sembawang (!). Yes PK and I woke up late again AS USUAL. x_x Cus we were supposed to REACH Fish's house at twelve. HAHA. Bused 167 to Fish's house at its ulu ulu place. :l Saw Fish with her bike haha. Went through her mags again at her house; fangirled quite a bit too :D. And I added lots more clippings to my buying list already ohmg nooo. Christine reserved a lot of magazines too, haha. :o Afterwards, we walked to 7-11 for lunch. Ate instant noodles there. The 7-11 outlet's pretty big and spacious!! And there are a couple of high tables in the store for you to eat food there. :o We spazzed/went high a lot there HAHA. :D PK and her super super super hot chocolate and stuff. :B Walked back to Fish's house, then we talked a LOT in her room, LOL. About leadership camp and everything and about the stupid toilets and the terrible cleanliness of the whole camp centre. D: And Fish knocked into her wardrobe twice, lolol. Christine I hope you weren't left out. D: We talked like since five/six to nine. O_O In the end, I bought three mags first, mostly with Arashi's glossies. :D:D:D I want to own their glossies ASAP!!! Christine bought 2 mags; PK bought 2 clippings I think. Haha she had Fish's weird document file paper thingum to put in her clippings. XD Took train back home with Christine and PK. Yay Christine alights at Boon Lay too :D. I haven't read my japanese mags yet, I think I'll do so later. Yatta! :D ♥ - Shit manz I really need to resume Stand Up!! asap because I'm like procastinating like mad. All the watching of Arashi videos and other stuff, feh. Hokay more more more Arashi videos. :D:D:D Nino and Ohno backstage This is supercute, like totallyz. :D NINO's the one recording Ohno and they're in their hotel suite introducing stuff and rooms. This was taken during their concert in Korea, 2006. I THINK AIBA LOOKS PRETTY DAMN PRETTY THEN. :D Jun looked kakkoii too, as usual. Hee. Lmaoz Ohno in the bathtub.. Ohno Is Not High (fanvid) proOhno: He's just... (a) tired. (b) hungover. (c) Ohno. (d) Are you kidding? He's so high. (e) All of the above. Lmaoz, you choose. XD It's DEFINITELY (c) for me, he's so absolutely being himself lahr. XD And maybe a bit of (a) and (d). Haha. AAAHHH SUPER CUTE OHMIYA-NESS PLEASE!!! I loved it when Nino fiddled/played with Ohno's earlobe and Ohno giving that blissful look. XD!!!! And also a video on Arashi having a pillow fight, from D no Arashi. :D Haha Sho starts hitting Aiba with a pillow and then suddenly the rest of Arashi start ganging up on Aiba. D: And Sho's laugh is so, so cute!! -does a mini flail- And Aiba stuffed a sock into Ohno's MOUTH at the end of video.. :o And and Ohno's retarded struggling ROFL! Arashi drawing otter When it comes to drawing, everyone FAILZ except for Ohno (of course). LMAOZ JUN'S OTTER HAS SLITTY EYES AND SHO'S DRAWING IS DAMN CLASSIC K OMG HAHAHAHA. And Nino's otter looks much more like a platypus lor, LOL! Why didn't they show Aiba's drawing?! :( Meh maybe he's the one hosting the otter drawing topic. T-T Sho's drawing vs. Riidaa's drawing LMAOZ BIG CONTRAST OKIE. Some commentor said it's like having a Leonardo da Vinci and pre-school kiddo compete in drawing. XD! Sho-chan & pole Lmaoz so retarded, Sho's so uncoordinated as always. :B Ohno's funny coat Ohno and Jun got voted to dress up the coat set. Jun looks not bad which is not unusual, since he always dresses up so nicely. :D But Ohno looks like he's wearing a super long gown HAHA and his baka attitude!!! XD - Kk am done spamming videos for now. Ja ne. back to top? |
![]() Stormy rabu rabu?
And here I come flooding Arashi videos once again~ Only the seriously funny ones because I couldn't help posting them here to spread the crack..Aiba kissing Nino I've seen this video practically eons ago but I still find it cute and funny nonetheless. XD Nino's cheeks are like being squashed like MAD.. ._. - Ohmiya SK and Jun - in their rooms This is srsly crack plz! Ohmiya SK especially, DUH. This is during Arashi's Iza, Now! concert in 2004, with Ohno and Nino in Sho's futon. :o This is also one of the earlier Arashi-related videos that I've watched a long time ago, but yeah, same reason as the video above. XD P.S. Sho iz nekkid~ Rough translations by change417: Sho: The rooms that we stay in is very big and it's lonely to sleep alone. So I called Nino to share a room with me. (He goes back to his room and was shocked to find Ohno & Nino curled up in his bed) Sho: No way! Er, I am filming for jouhoutsu... (Ohno scrambles to his bed) Nino: 'Is it morning already? Good morning.' ~ Sho runs out of his room saying, 'How can I calm down?!' XD He then goes to Matsujun's room... Sho: You're still awake? What were you doing? Jun: Nothing much... I was reading Hokuto no ken. Sho: Matsumoto-san, you know, after the dinner, I went back to my room, I found Ohno & Nino sleeping/hugging in my bed. What do you think of it? Jun: (to Ohno) You did it again? Sho: But I think it's more interesting that you were reading Hokuto no ken. Jun: Surprisingly, it was interesting. - Arashi playing game :D. Eh Idk the japanese name of this game but anyway it's similar to the AEIOU game that we play in primary school and this round it's Riidaa/Ohno who's the person counting. XD And the rest have to reach him in army training style, like shuffling on the floor instead of just running. o_o The video isn't allowed for embedding. D: - Short preview of Arashi's solo performances in Dream 'A' Live!!!! I LOVE AIBA'S AND NINO'S SOLO PERFS FOR 'HELLO GOODBYE' AND 'GIMMICK GAME' RESPECTIVELY. ESPECIALLY NINO'S, OHMG, NINO!!!!!!!!! HE LOOKS SO DAMN HOT AND CUTE AT THE SAME TIME DOING THAT FINGER-LICKING AND SMEARING ON HIS NECK THING. 8D 8D 8D 8D And uh yeah, a nekkid Jun performing for 'Naked'. -o- We all know Jun loves to strip his shirts while performing. back to top? |
![]() I'm back~
ただいま (I'm back)! From S2 leadership camp Wens to Fri. :)Shall blog a bit about NHBT outing on Tues first :D. Tues 1410, Christine's and Jasmine's 14th birthdays! Happy belated 14th birthday to Christine! :D Fellow Arashi/Shun fangirl, aha (L). Hope we'll continue to spaz about our idols in the future! C: Happy belated 14th birthday to Jasmine! :D Mo Li Hua~ It's great having you as our classmate these two years LOL. XD (Funnybunny) Hope we'll be in the same class or continue keeping in touch with each other next year - I was late for badminton team outing at Sentosa. :c Reached like thirty minutes late at Vivo City. Suay was the latest with Evia and Xianlin and we waited like hours (!) for them. D: To kill time, Jiaying, Alicia, Hayati, Eurona and I went to the open space garden thingum at Vivo to play with water and suntan at the same time. Then we got bored and decided to watch House Bunny @ GV Vivo to wait for them. They joined us in the theatre afterwards to watch it with us, though. :) House Bunny is extremely bimbotic and stupid, lolol. BUT I KEPT BEING SCARED BY THE MAIN LEAD BIMBO'S VOICE WHEN SHE REMEMBERS HER FRIENDS' NAMES. )8 -Dies- "CINDERELLA!" LOL. Hayati spazzed like mad at the bimbo's scary name-remembering voice all the way till dinner at Kopitiam @ Vivo. -o- Anyway, after the movie, we finally went to Sentosa and joined the guys. Went to Siloso Beach. :) We played a bit of volleyball, basketball and even lesser frisbee lul. The whole team incl. Coach played Murderer in the sand using cards. :DD Very fun. We left at eight-ish and reached Vivo at nine for dinner at Kopitiam. It was then I realised that my phone wasn't in my bag....... DDDDDDDDDDDDD: Apparently somehow I left it on the beach because either I didn't put it into my bag or someone stole it. ROAR. The phone isn't even mine, it's my brother's!!! :( So I had to call home and tell my mom and bro, then my brother scolded me. Asdfghjkl. MY MEMSTIX UGH! Took the train with Alicia, Hayati, Suay and Xianlin. Haha Suay's nonsensical Korean song rapping. XD - Wens 1510, Went to school supaaaa early in the morn for the stupid S2 Leadership Camp. :( Alicia, Suay, Xinying and Tom were all late together. LOL BADMINTON FTW. \m/ Took hired buses to the Dairy Farm Adventure Centre. I'm in group #4, Mee Siam. XD There's Michelle, Miaopei, Jingying, Jingzhen, Peixian, Clara, Wenhui, Dingxuan, Aloysius, Jengwei, Ryan, Weixiang, Sibeng, Junwei and Gabriel, plus our trainer Saiful. :) Girls and guys in different dorms; guys' dorms and girls' dorms are on opposite sides. My group's girls and I are in Dorm 4B with girls from a couple of other groups.. SO SAD, Dorm 2A/2B were taken by the trainers and teachers!!!! Hana Kimi Dorm 2!!!!! D: Did some group poster designing thingmajig, which turned out to be supercrack because our "ideal" leader with his "ideal" leadership qualities being drawn out as his physical features became some.. ultra colourful tranvestite with chest hair and red lips and extremely pink cheeks and super long eyelashes and the KFC Kentucky grandpa's curly moustache. XD Then it was lunch or something I think, then problem solving plus low element stations. The rope-swinging station was super fun. :D:D The wall was quite fun as well, and I'm happy we had fast timings for both stations when we had to compete with time to finish as fast as possible. The tyre station was freaking funny manzzz. We had to carry a team member in replacement of a fainted/unconscious person through the tyre which resembles a narrow hole in the collapsed debris/building etc. Aiya, survival skills lahr. Then all the girls complained of their pants being pulled lower after the guys had to carry them through one by one, to which the guys pushed the blame to Weixiang for some random reason so he withdrew from helping to carry the next group member through. XD It was Michelle then, and she didn't complain of her track pants being pulled down a little when Weixiang didn't help. LOL! Therefore Weixiang = ticko as labeled by the rest of the group. Afterwards we had the DISC profiling thingum, about assessing what kind of leader we are. D = dominating; I = influencing; S = steadiness; C = compelling (I think?!). I'mma high 'I' whee yay! :) Lots of us in the camp are high I's, which means we're more of the sociable type. Alicia, Suay, Xinying are all in the 'I' team too. :D Bessy's both D/C I think but she went to the 'D' group instead. Dinner, then bath. Bathtime was CRAZY because there were only three miserable shower cubicles and there were like at least forty girls in Dorms 4A and 4B from around 5-6 groups queuing up to bathe. -_- Some didn't even get the chance to bathe, so unfair. All because of the first few girls who took their own stupid sweet time in the cubicles, roar. Supper, then slept. Shared sleeping bags with Miaopei and Jingying. :) Turned out all three of us kick when we sleep so... gg. LOL. :x Thurs 1610, Woke up at six plus in the morn. :( Today our group had to do the high elements courses OHMG OHMG. !!!! We lost to group 3 in which group to do abseiling and which group to do flying fox, so we had to do abseiling. -O- Abseiling was alright, but it's kind of.. boring. As compared to flying fox. :/ Fux manz. Jingzhen cried after she abseiled.. D:! Next was the Challenge Ropes Course. For that station I totally didn't have any chance to do any of the 3 ropes courses because I was too busy belaying. -_______- I wanted to do the tightrope one.. D: But belaying was rather fun too. Wahrao Ryan crossed the tightrope line thingum like in almost ten seconds. -.- Last high elements station was the.. Challenge Pole. D: I totally didn't want to do that station LOL. Everyone in the group except Peixian and I tried it. I wanted to try it out because it *looked* fun but I was equally scared as well so.. :/ Lunched, then had project planning stuff, followed by the Iron Chef Competition. -.- It was damn chaotic because not everyone received the same message on what we were going to cook. Like wtf plz. Meh. It's all because there were too many opinions in our group till it was damn luan. But our final dish was pretty okay. :D Macaroni with Campbell soup and macaroni with egg/carrots/corn. Western and Chinese styles aha. Supper, then bath. Everyone chionged like mad to get bathing stuff from our dorms and rush to the toilet. XD We slept slightly earlier than the day before, eleven-ish I guess. - Fri 1710, Woke up at the unearthly hours of THREE A.M. for our stupid night hike. -.- We had to walk through the jungle in pairs. PAIRS. D: There were trainers stationed at different parts of the route to guide us though, because it was pitch, pitch dark. They held lightstix to provide us with light, so good! :( I partnered Wenhui yay haha. She squealed/freaked out a lot. XD It was rather scary though. D: Hate the mud, make my school shoes from white to brown already liao lahr. The destination was this vast field with natural hills as the landscape. SUPER DAMN NICE I TELL YOU. :D But we had to sit on the field to wait for the other students to arrive and we waited for like an hour or two. -.- And the field was freaking wet and muddy. AND we were DEAD TIRED. D: But the hills and all were very very pretty! So close to nature. :D Waited till six I think? Like till the sky brightened lahr wth. Then we had to walk back to the adventure centre, to the canteen for breakfast. After breakfast was area cleaning. T_T We had to wash Dorm 2's toilets omggg. But anyhow, it's Dorm 2! :D Finally, it was the closing and prize presentation and photo taking. Weixiang and Michelle got the best male and female camper for our group. :D! Photo taking was as a whole school, not by group. JEFFREY the (super cute) trainer took on the job of taking our photo. 8) We left the centre at half past nine. Said our goodbyes to Saiful, haha. XD Then we bused back to school to receive and go through our EOY papers.. D: I got super sucky marks for my subjects. I HOPE I didn't get any C's, ohmg. Chinese was super damn wasted plz, 69.5/100 for EOY leh!!! :( AND I PASSED CHEMISTRY 15/30 OMG YAY YAY YAY. Physics paper's marks was okay! :D Homed with PK and Fish; ate at KFC at central for lunch. Fish was still fangirling like crazyyyy over Jeffrey and Jason, the twin eighteen-year-old trainers at the Dairy Farm Adv. Centre. XD - Whoo ohmg kk I finally finished rambling. RUIXUAN ZE GREAT HAS FOUND JAPANESE CLASSES AT JE WHICH ARE STARTING ON 2810 OHMG THEY START SO EARLY PLZ!!!!!!!!!! :D I hope the fees won't be too expensive and that the class days will be convenient for me. :( Am going to Fish's house tomorrow with PK and maybe Christine to see her sister's magazines again. Lala. And it's confirmed, we're going to learn inline skating as post-exam activity for S2's indeed!!!!! :D:D Idk which Humanes I should take I want to take pure Hist but I worry about the amount of content we have to memorize roarrrrrrrrrr. And I worry that Double Sciences won't be that beneficial for JC afterall because Pure Sciences is good for Uni leh. -.- Omg asdfghjkl. - RYUSEI NO KIZUNA AND HANA KIMI SPECIAL EPISODE WHERE ART THOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Random: Should I resume chionging Stand Up!! or should I start on Yamada Taro Monogatari first? I'm thinking that I should finish Stand Up!! first beause since I've already started on it, I should finish it first to carry on another drama. :/ back to top? |
POP THE CONFETTI, IT'S TIME TO CELEBRATE POST-EOYS!!!!!!!!!!! -prances around-I feel so much satisfaction and relief now that the cursed exams are finally gone. Am stressed no more. It's time to FANGIRL! :D Speaking about fangirling, I am an extremelyhugelyginormouslycrazily happy and content fangirl this month because: 1. BLOODY MONDAY AIRED TODAY 1110 IN JAPAN! 2. ARASHI'S ARASHI AROUND ASIA 2008 CONCERT AT TAIPEI STARTED TODAY AND WILL END TOMORROW (1110 - 1210)! 3. HANA KIMI SP EPISODE WILL BE AIRING TOMORROW 12 OCT IN JAPAN! 4. RYUSEI NO KIZUNA WILL BE AIRING ON FRIDAY 1710! 5. 6. FISH'S SISTER IS SELLING ALL HER PAST ISSUES OF DUET, POPOLO, POTATO, MYOJO AND WINK-UP FOR $5 EACH. I have reserved like.. TONS of them today at Fish's house and I feel very guilty and broke :(. Con is, she'll be removing all the NEWS coverages. D: D: D: D: D: But I saw a LOT of photoshoots of Arashi that I saw online in scans and icons!!!!!!!!! (L) (L) (L) 7. ARASHI'S NEXT SINGLE, BEAUTIFUL DAYS, WILL BE OUT IN 5TH NOVEMBER. Yes it's the theme song for Ryusei no Kizuna. And I think you guys already know about this so. :B ALSO, 8. Maki will be in a new drama this Autumn, Innocent Love! Premieres October 20. :) 9. Ueto Aya will be in a new drama, Celeb to Binbou Taro this season as well! Premieres October 14. (Christine's birthday. :o) 10. Mom's birthday Monday 13! YAY. :D 11. S2 Leadership Camp next Wensday to Friday! Although I'm currently more to dreading it than looking forward to it.. I'm not so sure I'm mentally prepared to do flying fox again (first and last time in primary school).. :( So, so many things in store for October. :DDD - Tokyograph reports on this year's fall dramas! - Ryusei no Kizuna (流星の絆)
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TBS, Friday 10:00pm, premieres October 17 "Ryusei no Kizuna" shows a lot of promise (YEEEAAAYYY), being based on a mystery novel by acclaimed author Keigo Higashino with a script written by the popular Kankuro Kudo. In addition, three rising stars - Kazunari Ninomiya, Ryo Nishikido, and Erika Toda - have been cast in the lead roles. The trio play siblings whose parents were murdered, and with no one else to rely on but each other, they grow up to become a team of swindlers, taking money from the rich. Fourteen years after the incident, as the statute of limitations approaches, they come across a man who seems to be their parents' killer, and they begin plotting against him. - Bloody Monday (ブラッディ・マンデイ) TBS, Saturday 8:00pm, premieres October 11 Ryo Ryumon's action/suspense manga "Bloody Monday" is being brought to life on the small screen. Rising youngster Haruma Miura stars as a genius hacker recruited by the police to save the world from a dangerous terrorist organization planning to unleash a deadly virus. Danger is lurking everywhere, as the terrorists have infiltrated the police and even his school. - Scrap Teacher (スクラップ・ティーチャー~教師再生~) NTV, Saturday 9:00pm, premieres October 11 This past April, four Hey! Say! JUMP members (Yuto Nakajima, Ryosuke Yamada, Yuri Chinen, and Daiki Arioka) starred in a drama special called "Sensei wa Erai!," where they played a group of students who transform an unpopular teacher into a more respectable man. In "Scrap Teacher," the four have been cast in similar roles as newly transferred students at a failing school, and they take on the task of reforming their incompetent teachers. - Innocent Love (イノセント・ラヴ) Fuji TV, Monday 9:00pm, premieres October 20 Maki Horikita stars in this painful love story about a lonely woman named Kanon and a seemingly innocent but troubled pianist Junya, played by Yuzu's Yujin Kitagawa. As a child, Kanon loses her parents to a murderer and her brother is arrested as a suspect, leaving her all alone. Forced to leave her town to find a new life, she meets Junya and falls in love, but the path ahead of them is still filled with obstacles. - Celeb to Binbou Taro (セレブと貧乏太郎) Fuji TV, Tuesday 9:00pm, premieres October 14 This romantic comedy stars Aya Ueto as a character supposedly modeled after Paris Hilton. Ueto plays Alice, the spoiled celebrity daughter of a hotel magnate and an actress. Somehow, she ends up becoming an unlikely couple with Taro Sato (Yusuke Kamiji), a poor, working-class widower raising three children. - Oh! My Girl!! (オー!マイガール!!) NTV, Tuesday 10:00pm, premieres October 14 Up-and-coming ikemen actor Mocomichi Hayami is the star of this comedy series. He plays a poor bachelor who is trying to make a name for himself as an author of a mobile phone novel. Due to certain circumstances, he ends up sharing a home with a talented 6-year-old actress (Riko Yoshida), and as a result he is forced to play the part of a father figure. Rosa Kato plays the child's manager. WINNIE, new drama for joo aha. - Team Batista no Eikou (チーム・バチスタの栄光) Fuji TV, Tuesday 10:00pm, premieres October 14 "Team Batista no Eikou" is based on an award-winning novel about the investigation of a series of deaths at a prominent hospital. It was recently turned into a movie starring Yuko Takeuchii, but the drama will have a male protagonist like the original novel. Atsushi Ito of "Densha Otoko" fame is taking the lead, while Toru Nakamura co-stars as a government official assisting in the investigation. -hintPKhint- - So much fangirling yesterday and today, gosh. I clearly abhor my love/hate relationship with Kinokuniya. K, shall talk about yesterday and today! :) Yesterday 1010, I didn't die during my Art EOY paper, yay ♥. Was damn, damn happy that exams are finally over, and still am now. :D Went to Kino with PK and Huayyee. Fish didn't go with us in the end because she went with Jermaine/Bernice/Huihui instead. The whole group of us Nanhuarians boarded the bus to town, aha! Incl. Winnie, Ollie, Yingying, William, and also Yifeng and Wenxuan. I bought the TV programme magazine with the HSJ members on the cover. YAY RYUSEI NO KIZUNA / BLOODY MONDAY COVERAGE ♥. :D And also the Fineboys magazine WITH NINO ON THE COVER WUIDHBASJKHBDA but it cheated me of my money because it's a frekkin' male fashion magazine and Nino's coverage only took up 3 mere pages (BUT the photoshoot is considerably hot) and even Shirota Yuu's modelling photoshoots for Norton Motorcycles clothesline thingum took up 4 pages. -o- My $14 bux. :( Yay Huayyee Ily for lending me $ haha! -huggggs- :D Left Kino, then Huayyee left for lunch with her sis at Pepper Lunch. >:O Went to HMV with PK and spent quite some time there. I'm extremely tempted to buy Arashi's truth/風の向うへ single (RE) because the cover's simply so fuxing chio. D: And I h8 Singapore for not importing Arashi's DAL DVDs here, roar. Homed with PK after that, were goddamn tired. :( - Today 1110, Woke up late for outing to Kino (yes, again) with PK and Fish because I was too tired :/. Fish was the only one punctual because both PK and I woke up late HAHA. So PK and I went to Koufu @ Orchard Cine tgt to find Fish. They lunched, then we went to Taka to find Fish's takoyaki ingredients. XD Some yam paste thingmajig for the takoyaki. Didn't find it in the end but found out that her sis bought it afterwards anyway. But it was my first time at the Japanese food section OMG damn cool!!!!!! It's like hidden at the corner at the deep end la, have to weave our way through then can see! But there's a shop selling DANGO!!!!!! :D -is excited to see dango for the first time irl- LOL. Went to Kino afterwards (finally XD); bought an Oricon Style kind of mag with Maki on the cover and Wink Up Nov. :DDD NINO'S GLOSSY WOOHOO. After that, we wanted to go to central to take a peek at the Japanese cosplay event today, but we changed out minds and decided to go to Fish's house to browse her sister's japanese JE mags. XD We took the bus to her house. I spotted Yingying boarding the bus at the bus stop!!! But I thought I saw the wrong person because I couldn't see her whole face. And she was wearing a dress. But after PK asked Yingying via SMS WE REALISED THAT IT WAS HER. :O I'm sorry Yingying, I didn't know you wore dresses! LMAO. XD Anw, back to the magazines. There were damn lots of them la omg!!! Lots and lots of plastic bags of magazines; it took us the entire evening just reading through them! SO. MUCH. ARASHI.. :( There's even a 2004 mag with Arashi inside HAHA, I forgot which one though. Fish's sister's selling them at $5 each! I reserved. A. Lot. Of. Magazines. Idk how I'm ever going to repair the humongous hole in my wallet, rahhh. Homed at eight plus, then Fish went to attend her stranger neighbour's birthday party LOL. Trained to Boon Lay from Sembawang. :o - I am very excited for tomorrow because my family and I are going out for the whole day to celebrate MOMMY'S BIRTHDAY in advance~ :D Will be going for fish spa, then some unconfirmed place, then we'll take the Flyer, and lastly dinner at Marina Square. FISH SPA FISH SPA YAY!!! It's the treatment of removing your dead skin cells, where you put your feet in the water of fishes and they nibble at your skin to eat away your dead cells. :D :D :D :D :D I think it seems freaking fun!! - Germaine Okay, :D Christine LMAO, all those people you know in Fuhua who are from Jurong Primary, I know all of them. XD Yes there are a LOT of Jurong Primary people in your school, hehe. :D - |
![]() RYUSEI NO KIZUNA CM!!!!!!!!!!!!
![]() paperboat journey!
I am going to break my promise and post an entry again, after all... :lAnyway, Arashi videos! Aibaka in action once again.. XD XD Cho kawaii ne! (L) I guess Aiba-chan got into the hole further than he expected.. LOLLLLL. Sho and Nino have made a huge paperboat for reaching an island which is 10km far. It weighs like, 300 kg?! And halfway through the journey Nino gets seasick and K.O.'s. XDDDD The vid's kind of long, but it's worth watching. It's extremely funny how the crew desperately tries to salvage the sinking paper boat but *FAILZ*. XDDDD Nino alwayssss gets seasick so often, I feel super sad for him! He got seasick also only 5 minutes after boarding a ship in an epi. of Mago Mago Arashi.. :( Hokay shall *attempt* to mug Lit now, じゃね! *edit* Chibi Toma and Arashi! 8D 8D Arashi love triangles, heehee. More Aibaka-ness. Aiba hit his head while entering the concert stage... -o-!!! But you have to admit, it was damn cute though. XD Beautiful Days pre-listen on |
![]() eleven.
0310 Fri | Kino with Christine.0410 Sat | 0510 Sun | 0610 Mon | Maths paper, was okay I guess. Spazzed like hell with PK in the train from Clem. to Lakeside over Lihui freaking out over the honeybees page in the science textbook. >:D TOMORROW WILL BE TOMA'S 24TH BIRTHDAY HALLELUJAHHHHHH, ♥. - Will elaborate on past days after the cursed exams end. I hope this will stop me from blogging and wasting time for revision. :) back to top? |
THANK YOU CHRISTINE FOR HELPING ME RESERVE A COPY OF AN.AN 0110 AND HELPING ME BUY A COPY OF ORICON STYLE 0810 IN KINOKUNIYA!! :DYAY, RYUSEI NO KIZUNA, ARASHI & SHUN COVERAGE!!! :D Happy happy~ Christine and I'll be collecting her photobooks and our magazines this Sat. YATTA. She bought Shun's official PB and his Crows Zero movie photobook. :D I WANT TO BUY HANA KIMI PHOTOBOOK (30$) TOO!!!!!! :( Don't need to focus on Geog mugging already, roar screw Geography. >:O - ❤小栗 旬 Oh really. :o That's sad, haha. puikay :D HEE HEE. I FINALLY REMEMBERED TO COMPARE OUR HEIGHTS TODAY. I THINK NINO WILL LOOK FREAKING CUTE WITH HIS CURRENT HEIGHT. AT LEAST FROM MY HEIGHT, HE LOOKS CUTE. XD!!! fish Yup. HAHA. For Nino's height since she's as tall as Nino. :x! back to top? |