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cause cold
chills me to the bones
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![]() Annabel Audrey Christine Eisabess Eunice Evia Jane Jiayun Kelila Lihui Likai Meiru NHBG Olivia Peklian Puikay Qilin Ruixuan Sermin Yeshze Yingying Nicholas Kh Phoebe Qianling Xavier Xianlin Xinyi Xinying Yingsuan Yuhan #002 #005 204'08 |
![]() :D
Heh, today is the last day of 2007.And did you realise, that today is the last day of the year and yet the first day of the week. :B HAHA that was random. My family's gna have a steamboat dinner at home later for New Year's eve, I think. :/ Right now I'm desperately trying to resist the stupid aura of the food floating towards here from the kitchen. ): Oh and I spent the morning of the last day of the year playing a friendly match with Tampines Sec! -_- Super lame kz. Fancy going all the way to Bedok there just to play a match, and on the last day of the year some more. But I guess it was not so bad, cus it is our last match of the year afterall. [: Heh, Evia, Suay, Xinyi, Eurona, Xinying & I went to LJS @ IMM after the match for lunch. Xinyi kept koping Evia's food, LOL. :B After that all of us except Xinying who went home went to JEC to take neos. HAHA. It's been so long ever since I've taken neoprints already, ): It was fun. Heh :D Went home with Evia & Suay after that, after retrieving back my shoebag & racket from the neoprint shop. :x I had left it there when we left, LOL. Parted with Suay & Evia and bused home. [: back to top? |
![]() Hello & goodbye,
This will be a very short post, no special reason. Simply just 'cus I've nothing much to blog about. )8♥ Kay I've finished Eclipse. Like finally! :D ♥ And I've finally watched the first two episodes of TKA. Woooooh loved. ♥ I'm about to get a sore eye so... ?! ♥ I've decided that I shan't be finishing my last two holiday homework, 'cus I felt plain lazy and I heard that the teachers will not be collecting the homework anyway. Even if they do, I'll just do last-minute. Heh. :B ♥ I'm loving the Twilight series more & more already. Which is a good thing! :D ♥ I revamped teh tagboard againszx. Peace. Kk that's all for now. Byebye peepors, check back for updates anytime soon. {: back to top? |
![]() K-drama crazeeee!
I r officially in love with Jae Hee who's acting as Moo-Ryong in Witch Yoo Hee.And Johnny Kruger's actually pretty nice, too. [: I only kind of realised that at the second half of the episodes. -.- Yes lah Xinying, your Johnny Kruger! LOL. AIYA WYH ROCKS LAH. <3 back to top? |
![]() Asdfghjkl.
My blogging urges always come at the most random times. ._.Cuz now I feel like blogging when I don't exactly have anything to blog about. T.T Remind me to complete editing my links k, I don't want my links to rot when it's edited halfway only. :l (Cricket sounds) EW NO ONE'S LISTENING TO ME. LOL. Okie, 'nuff of the self-entertainment and talking to myself (as claimed by Maggie. Rah). And yeah, I did have a fever yesterday night. When I reached home. I was heating up by a degree of 38.6C. :l When I woke up this morning at seven (I think fevers make me go crazy cuz I NEVER wake up at seven in the morning by myself, ever), I checked my temperature again and it was 0.3C lower. LOL. x_x But now it's like 37.0C already, hee. Though I don't think my headache intends to go away. My head's still throbbing like siao, but I think it's better than yesterday. >< Okie, will stop here till I have something to blog about. Ta! ♥ back to top? |
![]() ):
I think I'm running a fever, ohnoooooes):But Kelila & Mag say my forehead isn't that hot, when I think it's practically boiling. ._. Hahaha. Laoya one they all. XD No lah, jk. My headache sucksssss X_X back to top? |
![]() Nevertheless, I'll do a short and brief update on as many stuff as I can (see, I put you guys first in priority! :B). Blah, I'll just update everything in one go. LOL. My summarising sucks lah, bleah. Yesterday! Went library with Mag again to do homework. Finally completed my online maths assignment (*O*) and Mag finished her maths worksheet (if you ignore those few questions that she didn't bother to finish, LOL) too. After having early dinner at Kopitiam @ JEC, we MRTed to Bugis to window shop and at the same time shop for Maggie's schoolbag and our wallets. :D Maggie was doubting if there were shops open on X'mas Eve, and it happened to be the opposite. All the shops were open and there were massive mobs of shoppers EVERYWHERE in Bugis. Everyone's doing last-minute Chrismas shopping, duh (typical Singaporeans, psh). -_- I was quite irritated by the pushing and squeezing and the hitting at my haversack. x_x Anyway, we went to Bugis Junction, looked around, then decided to go to Bugis Street to find Maggie's schoolbag. In the end, she bought a brown bag from Ink. [: Funny thing is, I started to prefer her bag over mine (also from Ink, bought earlier than Mag) and vice-versa. T.T I bought this limegreen and white digital watch too. Was deciding over buying that one or the red & white one, but eventually chose the limegreen one.. cuz Maggie kinda psycho-ed me to. HAHA. Maggie also found this super cute black long shirt that has the word "Lollipop" and a few cute lollipop pictures on it. :D She was squealing like siao, aha ._. Crazy over Lollipop (the boy group) to this extent, tsktsk. XD After enough window shopping, we went back to Bugis Junction and walked around at the higher floors. At IP Zone, Mag & I agreed to buy a shirt each cuz they were having this sale of $20 for 2 tees. But later Mag backed out cuz she didn't like any of the designs ): So I was like, byebye shirt. ): LOL. No intention to make Mag guilty hor. ._. I bought an Uzumaki ice-cream after considering for quite long. :B It was the second ice-cream of the day, LOL. The first one was the gelato at JEC. Mag was saying, "Kan ni ren xiao xiao, chi dong xi na me duo!"/"You're so petite and yet you eat so much!" T.T Wth lol. Puberty cannot ah blehhh. Then I was zi-highing and talking like siao and Maggie was getting more and more tired by the minute. HAHAHA. She was like complaining to go home and I was ignoring her and looking around in the shops. She asked if I was tired like every 10 minutes, and to every question I replied no. XD We finally went back at around 9 plus, I think. Haha. And we're having another homework session tomorrow, this time with Kelila too, after my badminton training. :B Hope we're going shopping after that again. LMAO. back to top? |
![]() I'm like supposed to blog about today first, but my wish/to-do list is still my priority, cuz I keep forgetting what to note down in my list. So let me rant everything out before my inner sievehead activates. ._. 01, Slippers (@ Ba Pin, JP) 02, Shopping trip with Maggie! 03, Complete homework :/ 04, Watch Coffee Prince! 05, Watch Heroes Season 2! 06, Watch Witch Yoo Hee! (D:) 07, Watch Iswak 2! (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Kay I think that's all. (Ponders) Yup, that's all. For now. :D Kk, will blog about today next. [: Refer to the next post, hee. Oh and, in case you haven't realised, I'd put up the Plugoo chatbox at my Profile section, so anyone can talk to me there when I'm online in MSN [: It's kind of an alternative place to chat, other than MSN. Plus, people whom I don't have in my MSN contacts can talk to me too! :D So yeah. You can talk to me if you want. LOL. Tata :] back to top? |
![]() Now what? ._. I've like, 2 more book reviews, one essay, and the cursed online maths assignment. (Faints) (mag kicks her) That sentence above is Maggie type one okie. Not me. D: Anyway, Maggie, Bessy & I are at JRL, *attempting* to do homework. Actually I'm like the only one doing homework. Bessy's surfing the net on her Tugtug and photoshopping too, and Maggie's reading her SEE I'M SO GUAI RIGHT EHEHEH 8) (Slaps self) I still have so much homework, howwwwwingwwwwwwwwszx? ): Blah, will update lata. Maggie wants to slap me. LOL. She claims to be "giving me a hand". T.T Byebye. back to top? |
![]() Tag Replies, :]
I forgot to type in the tag replies in the previous post. Couldn't edit it cuz the html was screwed up, causing the whole content to be all scrambled up together ): Sorry.Foofy, Hey Fangyu! :D Okay, haha. Will link you too asap. You too :] Why do you call yourself Foofy anyway? Kuanlian, Hello :D :D Haha okay! Lollll. You know who I am, right? XD EUNICE:D, HEY E-U-N-I-C-E! LOL. Kay, thanks {: Eurona, Sure thing :] Eurona, Eh, idk, I forgot already. HAHA. Sorry! PX PUIKAY :D, Lol, I know that you know lah XD Just saying that it's your font. LOL, yah lah yah lah! (mutters, bu yao lian) LOL. XPPPPP LMS, HAHA! XD puikay :D, Lol! But you still two-timer. HMPFH. :P Samantha, Hey junior :} Okay, haha. :D BELLA!, YAY! YOU WATCH WITCH YOO HEE TOO? Omg haha :D What you finished watching already?! T.T I haven't yetttttttt. And I missed a lot of episodes on TV too, rah. Need to chiong off all online. :/ Haha yay Iswak 2! (heart) XINYING!, Kay. xianlinnnn, Hey Xianlayne! 8D Sup girlfriend ahaha. LOL! XD xianlinnnn, Haha. But at least they're legible! ): LOL. I know what you're thinking >:D You want more visitors to your blog! HAHA. No lah, kidding [: I tag later lah k! Rachel, Kk [: LMS, :D back to top? |
YAYEEEEEE I AM BACKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D I am so happy I can go crazy - online. LOL. I guess some of you guys don't know why I had disappeared in the world of Internet & went MIA for like a thousand years (converted to exactly 10 days - if I'm not wrong). That's cuz my effing brother brought the laptop to his base with him to do work, leaving me, pathetic me, with no source of Internet at home. He did that partly by purpose, though, which was a result of his unhappiness of my "overusing the computer". Like whateverrrrrrrrr! I don't even think my computer hours are ever enough, tsk. >:l So anyway, I've managed to survive these ten days without the laptop (miraculously) and YAY my brother finally decided to bring it back homeeee <3 I was uber happy manszx. If the laptop were some teddybear or something I'd hug it till all the stuffings came out. D: But then again, maybe not, cuz that'd be teddybear abuse already. :l Omg there're like so many things to fill you guys in! :O Idk where to start ohnooooooooooooooes~ And I kinda forgot the dates of the stuff I did lately, so um.. ._. NEVERMIND! LOL. For the past ten days, I had badminton training (this is default - there's like training 5 days every week), along with a few friendly matches - vs. AMK Sec & Cedar Girls. I only played against Cedar Girls though, and boy was it close. I doubled with Alicia, and we played till damn ji lie k! But we still lost, -_- Haha. A few days ago, us girls plus Coach went to Sumo House for lunch after training. Alicia and Suay's group was talking like siao and damn high! They kept laughing like kukus. :D Afterwards, Xinyi & Coach went to Clementi Primary (I think) and the rest of us went to Jane's house. :D :D :D It's at Clementi, Faber Drive. Bungalow :] Played monopoly with Alicia, Jane, Xinying & Suay, but Suay stopped playing after a while cuz she was sick with flu. She slept on the couch chair! XD And they said she drooled, LOL. Around in the early evening, we left and Suay & I went to Alicia's. [: First time I've been to her new house, heh. She lives at CCK now. Rah & you know what, when I was talking to Bessy over the phone, Suay & Alicia took over my MSN ._. Cuz Tc/Kelila invited me to this mass convo, where Tc & his 2 Dota friends (-.-) were in, too. Then they took over and typed crap to them! They were like acting attitude or whatever and saying stuff like, "You want to fight ah?" and all those silly thangs. At the start of the convo, TC: hello mandy. cherie here Suay/Alicia (using my MSN): _l_ LOL. T.T And I have no idea who the hell Cherie is, lmao. They were laughing like shit and flooding the room with their crazy laughter and screaming. Alicia practically rofl-ed literally, Suay too. Like omg hahaha. Then this guy from the mass convo, Tc's friend, went to pm me and talked to me. Then they were like making up lies and saying hilarious stuff like I have a boyfriend and blahblahblah then the guy was like, "You got boyfriend meh? Show me pic lah" then Alicia went to Google images of Mao Zi Tong (!) - they said it's the president of China or something - and they found this super retarded picture of him WHEN HE'S LIKE LAOAHPEK-LOOKING ALREADY and put it as my DP! O_________O Then they were like typing stuff like "This is my boyfriend, he very shuai and strong right? >>" and "He very strong one okay, you want fight he go find you and you'll die, he very strong okay! Like ME!" while laughing like crazy retards at the same time. XD I mean, it's really hilarious k, I can't even get angry at them for ruining their impression of me. LOL. Aw, too bad Alicia's laptop didn't save that convo's log, if not I'd have posted it here already. ))))): After all the siao-ness, they started playing Audi and I watched them. Then Suay decided to stay over at Alicia's house and I left at around 10 plus. ._. K, end of that day :] Yesterday was SUAY's birthday. :D Happy belated birthday Suay! Even though I've already wished you, lmao. Anyway, I had training from 9.30am to 12.30am. Went to meet Bessy at Macs before that to exchange our Twilight novels; New Moon to her and Eclipse to me. :D Then walked to Clementi Sports Hall, where our training was held. Was the first one there, I think. And you know what? We had PT for like practically the whole of our training! RAHHHHH. 3 hours is torturing already, especially since we ran up 3 flats, 25 floors each, two steps by two steps. I hate that man -_- Super, super, super, super tiring. Leg abuse leh! Omg. And we did skipping & running of the broad steps outside the sports hall too. Skipping was double skip, of course. T.T And obviously I still couldn't learn how to double skip, rah. ): I hate skipping cuz of that. After training, Xianlin, Dawn, Alicia, Suay & I went to Buddy Hoagies at Beauty World for dinner. The food there was super nice :D Cheese & ham bolognese (sp?)! ♥♥♥ And we spent our time after eating talking and laughing like siao. XD I'd never laughed so hard, hahaha. Oh and we bought this brownie there for Suay as a surprise mini cake for her birthday! :D The waiter was really nice. :] He served it to our table and we started singing the birthday song. They put a candle, like what Alicia & Dawn requested, and this 'Happy Birthday' word thingie on it themselves too :D Suay was like O_O then T_T when she realised, LOL. Xianlin was like saying why Suay didn't cry from happiness, and started pointing at Suay and saying, "Cry! Cry! Cry!" HAHA. :D After the dinner, Alicia & Dawn went to IRC, while Xianlin, Suay & I went around window-shopping. Suay bought her lifetime supply of wet tissues at Watsons. LOL. Xianlin & I went testing out makeup :x LOL. Ages later, Alicia & Dawn finally left IRC to find us. They went to Xianlin's to stay over while I went home by bus 157. {: That's all. Took many photos these few days; will upload asap. Leave a tag if you want, haha. I'd be glad to return them. :D Bye! ♥ back to top? |
![]() !@#$%^ >:O
Internet was screwed up like shitszx just now. Had to restart the laptop in order to log in WLM, Blogger & load the blogs that I visited. )xBut it's fine now, yayyy :] Haha. Went to Orchard Cine with gor & Meiyu jie for Kbox. Second same outing, lol ._. The first time was with NHBT (or rather, the sec 2 boys & us girls except for a few). Whoo :] We reached early and hung around in Cineleisure before we went to Kbox. Went to Blossomz & Meiyu jie bought a couple of cardigans. :D I had this checkered vintage grey shorts. Omgomgomg :O Super cute, haha. Went to this shoes shop & I bought a pair of Ripples flipflops. It was partly due to desperation -.- Cus' my current slippers broke ))))): And anyway that flipflops is nice, so I bought it. Heh. It's dark blue with blue polkadots. LOL. -.- Finally went to Kbox; we went for the Kbox buffet. It was delishhhh. :D The food there was quite good, heh. Dory fish & ice-cream & satayyyys :O And many many many more. Damn, now I'm feeling hungry already! :l Haha. Sang a bit only, wasn't very confident about my singing. :l Long time ever since I've went Kboxing alr, bleah. ): Sang for 4 hours & left Kbox at 10. Headed to the arcade at the fourth floor. :D :D :D :D :D Played table hockey with gor, woohoo. :B Tied for the first round and lost for the second. Rahhh ._. Played a bit of Daytona too. Lovedddd mucho :D Then we went outside of the building and saw this sale thingie. I'm guessing it's the *scape flea market, cuz' it seemed so..? ._. It was sheltered though, probably cus' of the rain. Anyway, we hung around there for quite some time cus' Meiyu jie wanted to look at the stuffs. Haha :x I followed too. She bought some stuff, and for me this pink (._. don't ask why. Just felt like buying it. -_-) roundneck tee. Haha. :D After much shopping, we finally cabbed home. Yay. That's all for yesterday. :] back to top? |
![]() Quiz(zzzzzzzzz).
Long time since I've did a quiz alrd (cuz' I'm lazy, eheheh), so I shall do one now. 8DTagged by Rachel G to do this. :] List the top 5 presents you want for your birthday: 1. K-Box session with friends! (current crave, aha) 2. Some huge plushie toy? ._. 3. My friends to remember my birthday! :D HAHA. 4. Birthday date with friends [: 5. Idk, everything else? HAHA. Jk! Answer the following questions; Th person who tagged me is: Rachel Your relationship with her is? Friend; primary schoolmate; sweetie {: Your impression of her is? Straight-forward; mature; chio (:D); cute? Haha. The most memorable thing she had done for you? Um, MRT to Lakeside to meet me? HAHA! I can't remember :/ If she becomes your lover, you will? Go crazy cuz' I actually became a les. If she becomes your lover, things she need to improve? Her gender? Cuz' I don't wna be a les. ): If she becomes your enemy, you will...? Uhhhh, befriend her again? :D Answer koped from Rachel, haha :x If she become your enemy the reason is? No reason ._. Your overall impresson of her? Okay-okay friend :D :D How do you think the people around think about him/her? I'm not them, how would I know? :l The character you love yourself? None. On the contrary, the character you hate yourself is? Shyness, selfishness, retardedness? -_- Th most ideal person you wanna be is? No one else, I wna be myself. (: For people, who care and like you, say something to them? I LOVE YOU GUYS XOXO :D Haha. Pass this quiz to 10 persons that you wish to know how they feel: <- heck care. (LOL? Who said this?! HAHAHA.) 1, Bessy :D 2, Kelila :D 3, Maggie :D 4, Lihui :D 5, Puikay laogong goo goo :D 6, Qilin :D 7, Kheehui? :D 8, Xinying :D 9, Alicia :D 10, Xianlin :D Who is No.6 (Qilin) having a relationship with? No one? Idk, lol. Is No.9 (Alicia) a male or female? NEITHER! LOL. Female lah :D If No.7 (Kheehui) and No.10 (Xianlin) are together, will it be a good thing? No, cuz' they ain't lesbians & they don't know each other at all. What about No.5 (PK) and No.8 (Xinying)? They don't know each other (I think) and again, they're not lesbians. >:l What is No.2 (Kelila) studying about? HUMAN ANATOMY! HAHAHAHA. Secondary school stuff lor. When was the last time you chatted with No.3 (Mag)? Today & yesterday. What kind of music does No.8 (Xinying) like? Um, Lee Hom's songs? o____o Idk. :x Will you woo No.3 (Mag)? Yes :D AND THEN I'LL RAPEHUG HER! YAY. ^^v What about No.7 (Kheehui)? I don't really know her in real life but if I were a guy I think I would. Cuz' she's chio! :D HAHA. Is No.4 (Lihui) single? Yup. Whats the surname of No.5 (PK)? KUKU! Her full name's KUKU BANANA what! :D Whats the hobby of No.4 (Lihui)? Ummmm. Going hyper? LOL! Idk. :P Do No.5 (PK) and No.9 (Alik) get along well? They don't know each other. Where is No.2 (Kelila) studying at? Fuhua Sec. :] Talk something casually about No.1 (Bessy)? Fellow taurean slash munkie? :D Have you ever tried developing feeling for No.8 (Xinying)? LOL, NO. XD I'm not a les k! Where does No.9 (Alik) live at? CCK (: What color does No.4 (Lihui) like? OHMYGOSH I DON'T KNOW. Um. Orange? Black? Green? O_O Are No.5 (PK) and No.1 (Bessy) best friends? NO, THEY'RE Does No.6 (Qilin) like No.2 (Kelila)? She doesn't even know her :/ How do you get to know No.2 (Kelila)? In primary school, around P4 end-of-year I think. We made friends in MSN. O_O Does No.1 (Bessy) have any pets? Yup, Orhcheh in Haikoo Zoo, Kaboomza in Chickee, & a munkie in (fluff)friends. All in Facebook 8D Is No.7 (Kheehui) the sexiest person in the world? Nah, but she's still chio. XD Quiz done :] back to top? |
![]() Witch Yoo Hee! :D
Yaaaaay, I'm gna stay up to watch Witch Yoo Hee in CR tonight :DMoo Ryong is really darn charming k {: But Xinying prefers Johnny Kruger. LOL. Maybe I'll play a bit of Audi too, if I have the mood to. Heh [: Damn, now I need to finish watching Witch Yoo Hee as well as Heroes Season 2! D: Oh noooooes. Tsk, nevermind, it's fun anyway. XD Back to my Witch Yoo Hee! ^^v back to top? |
![]() Bessy's back :]
Yay to Bessy for returning to our Internet life! She has gotten back Tugtug & can go online in MSN etc. now. Whee {: Kinda missed her these few days, heh. Unfortunately, she said that the people from Fujitsu who repaired her tablet apparently worsened her tablet's condition. Her keyboard buttons are like distorted cuz' they MELTED them. Ohmygosh, poor Tugtug. D:Thanks to Puikay laogong goo goo too for introducing me to MULTIPLY :D Now I have an alternative source to download songs already! Yayayay xoxo. I wna go to the class party asappppppp, but the postponed date's still not confirmed ): Boohoo. I miss 104 like shitszx man. Kay, that's all. Adios :] back to top? |
![]() Tag Replies, :D
BOO! :DYou were scared, didn't you. DON'T DENY EHEHEHEH. 8D K, I'm just entertaining myself. LOL. I'm lazy to type all my replies in the tagboard so I'll put it 'ere. :D Anw I think it's more convenient for you guys to see. Heh :D SK Whoooooo? O____OGuess what? I'm actually downloading Audition. O_____O HAHA. Quite unbelievable right. Cuz' if I had wanted to play Audi I'd have downloaded it like ages ago. Let's just say I wanted to try out Audi to see if it's fun or not. :D And it's partly thanks to Suay, Alik & Hayati lahhhhh. X__X Cuz' they all play Audi and it seems fun. Hoho. :B Anw, 21 more minutes to go. Then I can open Audi alrd. ^^v Today's Bai Fen Bai was about ISWAK 2! LIKE EEEEEEEEEEEEKS. (Goes crazy) JOE CHENG WAS THERE ZOMFG. And the lead female character who acted with him in Summer X Summer. She's not really that chio to me. :/ Oh and another girl who has a character in Iswak 2 too, but I don't recognise her. Haha. BUT ANYWAY, THE POINT IS JOE CHENGGGGGGGGGG! I'm liking his new hair more & more. WHEE. :D :D :D Shuai dai le lahhhhhhhhh. ^^ Gush gush gush, LOL. Kk, shall end here before I flood this post with rants of Joe Cheng (:D). HEE. BYEBYE. :D TAG OKIE! Labels: 100% Entertainment, Audition, Tag replies back to top? |
![]() Anyway, there's a NH Badm Team outing tmrw! :DDDDD (dances around) Long time ever since all of us had went out tgt alrd. The previous one was only NHBG. So, yay. :D We'll be hanging out at Orchard Cine' - K-Box, followed by bowling/movie/ Yayayay I'm so excited :B back to top? |
![]() Uber long post, beware. :B
'Kay, so I'm super off-track on updating stuff in my blog now.There's like, the FHMB concert @ SP last Sunday, the trip to Changi Airport with Mag & Chris Lim to fetch Kelila PLUS the council BBQ yesterday Tuesday, and today at JEC with Maggie. :l (Spaces out) RAH, FINE. I shall update bit by bit. D: Haha. SUNDAYYYYY, Went to Singapore Polytechnic with Maggie, Yian, Kaiwen and Le-yi & her boyfriend, to watch Fuhua Military Band perform their concert. Reached at around 4. The concert started at 5 in the auditorium but Vincent told us to reach there early for him to give us our tickets and to pay him the $. -.- The concert was very nice, overall. :D :D :D Many yue er (don't know how to say in English, LOL) and cute pieces. XD Saw like, Dulcia, Ben Chia, Ben Lee (LOL :D), Javan, Jianxing, Aiyin, Ek Seng (sp?), and Vincent of course. All except the last one are my primary schoolmates. LOL. :P After the concert, Kaiwen left first, leaving with 4 of us left. We went to JEC for dinner at Kopitiam - Maggie, Yian & I had cheese baked rice, while Le-Yi & her boyfriend had some.. noodles soup? :x They shared, haha. Then then then Maggie, Yian & I had dessert. LOL. We bought & shared a BANANA SPLIT :D! The two of them were like fighting over the banana. :l I didn't eat much of the banana cuz I don't favour them. LOL. I preferred the almonds though. {: AND THE ICE-CREAM OF COURSE. :x Lastly, we went to the arcade and played lots of bball shooting & para-para dancing. -.- Latter initiated by Yian, HAHA. X_X Freaking hilarious and dumb. :B And now, Maggie & I are addicted to the arcade bball. :l Us girls later bused 98 home. In the bus, Yian & Maggie started conjuring up excuses to say to their parents in case they ask them why they were home so late (cuz' it was already 10 pm plus by then). :S Uber funneh. I called their excuses "grandmother stories" :D Ending? The three of us didn't get scolded at all. :D Yian was cuz' her mother was already sleeping when she got home. XD TUESDAYYYYY, Chionged to Clementi MRT station after badminton training ended at 1. Kelila's plane would be arriving at TWO. D: Mag called me when her train reached Clementi, and I joined her train. We had a very hilarious and uh, dumb encounter. -.- Phone convo below! :D Me: Your carriage the chairs are of what colour one ah? Mag: Green colour. Me: Which carriage are you on? You near the head or the tail of the train? Mag: Uh... (ponders) I don't know leh.. oh wait, my carriage is where you can see the lift and escalators one. Me: Oh okay. (goes into the carriage that seeeeeeemed to be at the lift there) Me: (Looks around for Mag) Where you ah?! The chair colour is green one leh.. I can't see you! O_O Mag: Uh.. I CAN'T SEE YOU TOO! Aaaahh. Me: (Still searching for Mag -_-) Omg I can't see you leh.. nvm, I hang up first k, then I go find you. You stay there okay. {: Mag: Orh. Byebye. Me: Byebye. Me: (Hangs up. I'm standing quite closely to this girl beside me, and she moved her phone, which attracted my attention, cuz' I saw that her handphone sock is the same as Mag's.) Me: (Thinking: O_O How come that girl has Mag's sock also?) (Turns to look at the girl) At the same time, the girl turned to look at me too. IT WAS MAG. Both of us: O___________O?! (Starts LMFAOING literally) -_-?! She was facing the door, while I was facing straight in the train. HAHAHA. And we both didn't hear each other talking when we were on the phone! LIKE WTH. We laughed for 10 minutes straight, approx. K, anyway, we reached at Changi Airport at around 2.20pm. :/ Chris Lim had alrd reached Changi Airport, btw. But we weren't late. Cuz' Kelila didn't even come out from her belt area. -.- The three of us waited and waited for her to emerge from the belt area. ._. Then I couldn't tahan liao cuz' I started to have gastric. LOL. So Mag and I went to the nearby Burger King to get some onion rings. After another period of time, Kelila and her family finally came out. :D :D :D She and Keller looked uber cute k! HAHA. And it turned out that Kelila couldn't go out with us cuz' she didn't have her ez-link card with her, so she had to go home with her family. So we came all the way to Changi Airport to see her and we left. -___- As I had council BBQ at 6pm, Costa Sands chalet, I successfully psycho-ed Mag to come along with me. XD Maggie later regretted, hoho. :x Both of us went to East Mall to kill some time (NC-16, Gore! HAHA. Crazy), with Chris Lim tagging along. Lol. It appeared very big on the outside (which is, anyway), but it turned out to be nothing much inside. ): Only Popular and a couple of other shops managed to attract our attention. At around 4.30pm approx., we trained to Pasir Ris, after parting with Chris. Met Estella, Dawn, Yeechin & seniors near Costa Sands Shopping Mall and accompanied them to NTUC to buy the BBQ food. Followed them to the chalet after that. Mag & I then went to the upstairs of the chalet to wake up a sleeping Bessy. :D Hahaha. Poking works well. {: Then went downstairs, idled for a bit, and both of us went to the seashore to play with water. LOL. That was where Mag & I found our ROCKIES! ♥ Hers is much smoother and cuter lahhhhh, ): It's triangularish. :B I took many photos too, will upload it some other time. ^^v Later, Mag & I went back to the chalet for the BBQ. Ate a bit, then left. It was eight plus when we left the chalet, so it was awfully dark. D: And quite scary, cuz' we had to walk a long road back to Downtown East there from the inside road of the chalets. X_X I played some music to distract ourselves. Mag was freaking me out luhhhhh! :x Bused to Pasir Ris MRT, and trained back home. :D BAH, I'm lazy to update about today leh. :l I shall summarize. :B Went to JEC with Mag, called Michelle about the hiphop lessons at Music Garage thingie. ONLY SATURDAY AND SUNDAY LEHHHH. ): I have like two badm trainings on Sat! And the lessons on Sunday is FULL. D: HOW, rah. Saturday is packed alrd. ): Anw, went to arcade with Mag to play. Got an arcade card with Mag, LOL. We shared one. Then we spent all the $ inside on the arcade bball and the thumpthump thingie. -_- That game that's similar to O2Jam, only that it's pressing on the ball button thingie. XD Met Yian there cuz' she was nearby, then parted. Went to Aries with Mag for her to find her decoration nails/whatever-you-call-it. :B And I bought a transparent blue nailpolish too. Bused 98 home with Mag. The bus interchange had MOBS all around at the bus 98 queue & the 334/333 buses queues. -.- I wonder why there were so many people at JEC today. :l Tadah, I've finally blogged finish. TAG OKIE, I spent like so much time typing all this |
![]() Sick, screw those cramps.
Sorry to my teammates for not turning up this morning's training. ): Had bad, baaad cramps since morn till now. Like, wth. Totally screwed my day. -.-I'm filling in Heroes for the whole of today's schedule. {: I'm watching the second half of Season 1 already. I know I'm still slow, LMAO. DON'T CARE LUH BLAHHH. :B Hiro still rocks mah socks, aaaaaaaaaaaaah. Uber cuteness k! <3 See, Heroes is such a good distraction from my stupid effing cramps. : K, byebye. Shall resume in my Heroes indulgence. :D back to top? |
![]() Tired, zz.
Bah, I'm tired now, so I won't blog about today's band concert at Singapore Polytechnic this evening. :/ Will blog about it tomorrow, so keep an eye on this space. :BIt was nice though, haha. {: 'Rock on' to FHMB! :D You guys totally stole the evening. On a random note, I got like a couple of mozzie bites today. :| Irritating flying shitszx, lol. Kk, I've nothing much else to say alreadeh, so I'll be going off 'ere. Byebye. :D back to top? |
![]() I Put The 'B' In B-O-R-E-D. :|
Gosh, I'm like seriously friggin' boreddddd!Like, REALLY. Oh noes. : I think I've never been this bored before.. at least according to what I can remember. :B I've been stoning & staring into the laptop screen for ages and then I finally focus on Heroes, which had been playing on the TV for ages, too. 've been distracted by the laptop, heh heh. :P (I have the VCD 'ere, at home. :D) I think I really, really need my blog to distract myself and refrain from being restless. ): OH CRAP, I just realised that today is Saturday and there's the Jacky show tonight! :O I forgot againnnnnszx. Blah. I only remembered when I saw the commercial on TV. :x Facebook's boring now, what more for Friendster; I've nothing to check in Hotmail; I'm sick of blog-hopping non-stop alreadyyyyy; no one's online and my close friends are like overseas - meaning they can't be online too. RAHHHHH. I'm seriously dying from boredom. This is the worst death ever. ._. Should I try blog-shopping? 'Kie, nevermind. I can already predict that I'll become even more bored from it. D: GEEZ, SOMEONE HELP ME. X.X back to top? |
![]() Goals! {:
I promise I'll make a custom blogskin specially for my blog once I get a friggin' Adobe Photoshop installed in this laptop, or even better, my future own laptoppie. :DBLAH I HATE MYSELF. (shakes head furiously) K, mood swings. Or maybe emo times. HAHA. Bleah. : Dot. I'm feeling tired both physically & emotionally so I guess I shan't blog about any more stuff, for now. ): Byebye. back to top? |