
Saturday, May 26, 2007 @ 10:19 PM
WTF. i pressed backspace to delete a letter &wht happened?
th whole freaking blogger window went back to my dashboard.
and whn i forwarded again, th whole post box was effing blank.
sometimes i really, really,
really hate blogger.
-grits teeth >:E
anyway, i've just reached home from a tiring walk plus shopping in orchard with bessy, mag &rachel shweetie (: &my earlier blog was about realising tht i have a lot of things to update my blog with.
rawrs, i shall repost th freaking list here again. ):
so far, i havent posted stuff on;
- my 13th birthday (nineteenmay! loves.)
- fish &lihui going ovr to my house to visit (wed23may, i think)
- lihui, bernice, jasmine, puikay &me going ovr to fish's house this time (fri25may yesterday)
- &today's trip to orchard with my darlings bessy, mag &rachel shweetieee! :DDD
okayokay, let's start from my thirteenth birthday dinner. ^^ -hops around enthusiastically (sp correct? gulps.)
my 13th birthday!
i got like. ten smses regarding my birthday (greetings, wishes and all thouse stuff), manymany ims in msn from friends wishing me happy birthdays &a whole ton of birthday wishes comments in friendster. like ohmytian. O__O i feel so noticed. LMAO. ://
i absolutely looooove this year's birthday lah. it was chao nice and also chao touching. (: you'll know why when i tell you th ending of my birthday dinner thingy. :D
my family &i celebrated my birthday by having our dinner at marche (loves! /say mah-shay :D) @vivocity. YES, vivocity. -screammms(x before we actually left home to head to vivocity by taxi, i was initially talking to bella whts, thn whn i told her tht we were going to marche to eat, she said tht marche is chao crowded one. so i told my mom as we didnt make reservations. :x thn she said, maybe it was only tht day whn she went or someth. but i personally didnt think so. x] and true enough, whn we got there, there was a ginormous (i dont know if its appropriate to use this adj. lmao.) and exaggeratingly looooong queue trailing from inside th marche restaurant. like wtf. D: we spent a very long time queueing lah, rawrs. thn for quite awhile mom, meiyu jeh &george gor left me with bernard gor &melissa jeh to go to th toilet. but i guess they didnt actually go, in th end. :D i'll tell you why. lmao. (x
so yeah, after a million eons we actually survived and managed to get in th freaking restaurant. took some pictures of th entrance. (: shall post them next time. if i remember. hohoho.
so anyway, we quickly took our so-called guest cards (?) given by th guy at th reception &got a table inside. th er, guest cards or something are for every customer in th restaurant; everyone has to use his/her own card to scan in th bill of every price of th food he/she buys. but th chefs or staffs attending th food counters will scan your card for you, so at th end of your meal, they will count how much you've spent and you'll pay in cash. but personally, i think they're just trying to squeeze you out of your money. :x cuz this is like a business strategy lah; they dont want you to know th specific amount of money you've spent on your meal in th process, so you can eat and eat and eattt. :D and you become a fatso and broke at th end of th day. LMAO. i srsly hope no staff or relatives of them see this, because i know this will really insult them. :// so no offense, haah.
and thn we ate. :D it's self service, btw. you have to go around looking at food and if you're interested in a certain type or someth, you can see wht it is and go buy it by giving them your card to scan in the price. i got a swiss rosti cuz melissa jeh recommended it. and HOOBOY, its damndamndamn nice. :DDD its just thin and long potato shreds thts very very delicious, which comes with either smoked salmon or i think, chicken something. you can option to have cheese sausage too, which i did. ^^ and it's damn nice laaah! and plus i was very hungry at tht point of time, so i gobbled th whole thing up in a flash. :D lmao. but in th end i was very full. cuz potatos have alot of carbo, uhs :// thn afterwards i ate some desserts (icecream!) and thn a blackcurrant snapple. :D snapples rock, ahahahaah. whn everyone had more or less finished eating, i thought we were going to go liao. thn george gor took out th olympus camera and i was like trying to take it away from him to take pictures lol >:l thn out of th blue, this guy came walking up to us with a few staff following him, was holding a chocolate cake and singing loudly HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU ~ in front of evryone O___O at first i was damn blur lah. LOL. cuz i didnt knw wht was going on. thn i noticed th cake and i realised tht it was a surprise for me :x i was moved and very surprised. x) thn afterwards i found out tht gor didnt want me to take th cam cuz he wanted to pai ME whn th guy came to us. and it was mom, meiyu jeh and george gor who bought th cake; they bought it whn they said they said they were "going to th toilet" whn we were queueing up. RAWRS. x_x
but still, i'll nvr forget this lovelaye surprise. :D so funny lah. lmao.
ohmytian. th entry is like so damn long lah. i think i shall post th other stuff next time :D
and btw, shocking news (to me) today from mom. its about my results thingy. for 1st semester.
i got third in class &my position was 20th for express stream in school.
yes. its t-h-i-r-d. not t-h-i-r-t-e-e-n nor t-h-i-r-t-y. D: and twenty!
ohmygawsh. its quite high.
but bessy's quite pro too, tho she claimed tht she had slacked this first half of th year. she got eleventh in class tho. not a bad number, dont you think. she's reg 1 in class and she got 11th in her class, 111. :D whoo. im so creative. LOL! zi kua zi kua (x
she got 50plusplus position in th special stream, tho. its a cohort of hundred plusplusplus students. still, quite good lah. ((: anw, you're so smart, like chao smarter thn me. so if you just put in even a teeny bit effort, your position can surely shoot up one lor. x__x
hokay. i shall stop here to prevent this entry from extending and extending. xS
tatas! lots of love from yours truly. :))
m-a-n-d-y. :D
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