Wednesday, July 15, 2009 @ 3:49 PM
Just for perks; teeny weeny cut from this week's Arashi no Shukudai-kun.
Ahhhhh, so cute (as always). (woot)
- Council Exco nominees campaigning still in process! Good luck to all of you guise :) Go Team Green Bean and Team Qizhou! LOL.
- Loved today like hell, because today was an extremely slack school day. Wensday = less periods + Malay = even lesser academic periods + Geog + early dismissal = ♥♥! 8D The weather in the morning totally SUCKED though. Started to
rain pelt like maaaad and bro couldn't fetch me to school in the end. So I had to cab to school. My $14 :(. Reached uber late too... - Peiqi's and Lito's blushing @ superglue/x-man |D Hilarious!!!
- Aha Acorn/Raccoon/Teddybear/Baby bear never fails to crack me up XDDDDDDDDDDD
- PROBLEM KID (Lihui) + PROBLEM PANDA = P.P. = BUTT (Me -..-) + PROBLEM BANANA (PK) + PROBLEM ACORN (Yunmin. LOLLLLLLLLLLL) + PROBLEM FISH (..who else) + PROBLEM 公园 (PARK HAHAHAHA) + PORKFACE, LIHUI, PORKFACE!!!!!!!!!!11 *dies from overspazzing*
- Got pissed at some point of time while in class, over the same matter again. But I guess it can't be helped. I'm like that.. I can't do anything can't I.
+ Quote of the day:
"Goldilah and the Three Bears" courtesy of Lihui's awesome memory *LOL*
3 more days to Neen's first stage play performance in ~2 years! 8) His acting is POWER. I wish I have the ability to get tix & watch the play. His murderer role is suuuuper cool!!
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