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cause cold
chills me to the bones
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![]() Annabel Audrey Christine Eisabess Eunice Evia Jane Jiayun Kelila Lihui Likai Meiru NHBG Olivia Peklian Puikay Qilin Ruixuan Sermin Yeshze Yingying Nicholas Kh Phoebe Qianling Xavier Xianlin Xinyi Xinying Yingsuan Yuhan #002 #005 204'08 |
![]() Quizzamalabalakoo.
Kk quizzie here was supposed to post it right after my previous post but apparently some boostard made me get off the laptop rawh.Omg just talking about it pisses me off okay nvm let's get on to the quiz. Koped from Lihui's Xangaaa! The Letter A Are you available?: For? To help you buy food from the canteen downstairs? Oh no ty I'mma councillor omg you'll never see me doing that offence omg no. :B What is your age?: Fourteen in another month and six days (count yourself)! :D What annoys you?: Stuck-up and boastful people, lians, bengs and the stupid things they do, you know, the average stuff. The Letter B Do you live in a big house?: Sadly nooooo. ): But I'll be shifting to a (slightly) bigger one in one more month too! :D When is your birthday?: 1905. Who is your best friend?: Retug is my best friend! :D Lmao I am cheating. The Letter C What’s your favorite candy?: Idk, I happen to prefer chocolates (!!) over candy by a lot a lot nowadays. Hm, gummies? o_o OH NO WAIT HARUMA BECAUSE HE IS (MY) EYE CANDY. Who’s your crush?: Haruma and Ken'ichi and all those Jap hotties. 8D When was the last time you cried?: Some time in a public bus. Yes random place I know. :l The Letter D Do you daydream?: Are you kidding? It's my profession!! :O Kidding. What’s your favorite kind of dog?: Toy dogs! Namely terriers (yorkshire!) and schnauzers and all those kute darlings. And omg Lihui you are LAMEEE: "My kind." What day of the week is it?: Sunday! Omg shit my undone art assignments noooooooo. The Letter E How do you like your eggs?: "I like my jidan a lot! :D" Yes Lihui we know, we all know. I like mine scrambled with sugar added! :D Have you ever been in the emergency room?: No, I've been outside it before though. What’s the easiest thing ever to do?: Er breathe? DUH. The Letter F Have you ever flown in a plane?: Yes, I love them! :D It's super fun to see the clouds and all outside the planeeee. OMG MAYBE I'LL SEE A JETSTREAM RIGHT BESIDE ME WHILE IN THE PLANE TO BRISBANE! Do you use fly swatters?: Used before. In America. LOL LOL. Those big ugly green shiny things! Have you ever used a foghorn?: WHAT THE HECK IS THAT! A fog with horns? The Letter G Do you chew gum?: Does Hichew count? Are you a giver or a taker?: Depends. Everyone's both whaaat. Haha. Do you like gummy candies?: Yeahhhhh. The Letter H How are you?: RETARDED AND BORED HAHA. What color is your hair?: Brownish black. Gets really brownish under the sun. The Letter I What’s your favorite ice cream?: MANGO AND PEPPERMINT CHOC omg I don't care I want two favourites! Have you ever ice skated?: YES YES YES SKATING ROUND AND ROUND IS FUN NO SRSLY. Do you play an instrument?: Recorder in primary school! HAHA. And perhaps soon keyboard? Okay Lihui. :D The Letter J What’s your favorite jelly bean brand?: (Stares at Lihui) Amanda's Jellybeans?! CRAZY! Er I don't even know what brands there are for jellybeans. -_- Do you wear jewelry?: No, but accessories yes. Haha. The Letter K Who do you want to kill?: That gay Tony Chen teacher guy artiste from Taiwan OMG I CANNOT STAND HIMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. Do you want kids?: HAHA SAME AS LIHUI. Yes but scared of labour pains and all. ): Where did you go for kindergarten?: JCK! :D Omg Lihui did you go the same one as mine. The Letter L Are you laid back?: I can be? o_o Do you lie?: Who doesn't. :D The Letter M Whats your favorite movie?: Secret and L!!! Do you still watch Disney movies?: Lol wth no omg no HSM please. Do you like mangos?: Very much. :D The Letter N Do you have a nickname?: LOL LIHUI HAS A NICKNAME CALLED PINEAPPLEHUI? Omg wth. Er I only have Mandy. 8) And panda because it rhymes with my real name okay nvm let's continue. T_T What is your real name?: Amanda. Bynes! HAHA. Whats your favorite number?: 11 and 1! One because it's my register number for around 2-3 years now. And it's the easiest number to write. 8D Do you prefer night over day?: NO, so dark how to see. The Letter O What’s your one wish?: "For everything I wish for to come true." Same as Lihui. The Letter P What one fear are you most paranoid about?: Deep water. It's dark and creepy and who knows what humongous monster fish's lurking in it omg. What’s a personality trait you look for in people?: O_O Humour? LOL. The Letter Q What’s your favorite quote?: The heart of design still beats. Oh wait is that even a quote hahaha. Are you quick to judge people?: Normal I guess, in the more natural way. The Letter R Do you think you’re always right?: No I think I'm always left! Are you one to cry?: No, I don't cry all the time over trivial stuff. o_o The Letter S Do you prefer sun or rain?: SUNNNNNNNNNNNN. :D:D:D:D Do you like snow?: YES AND I STILL YEARN TO SEE IT AND SNOWFLAKES. What’s your favorite season?: SPRING, LIKE LIHUI! Because it's my birth season! :D And it isn't too hot nor cold. I think. The Letter T What time is it?: 1336. Buy 4D! What time did you wake up?: 1156? Around there. When was the last time you slept in a tent?: During a P5 camp to CDANS I think. Was it P5? Idk. The Letter U Are you wearing underwear?: Oh NO. No no not at all. -_- Underwear or boxers?: I'm not a guy! The Letter V What’s the worst veggie?: Lady's fingers? I don't like them.. but I don't think they are bad enough to be the worst veg.. WAIT BRINJALS OMG EW. Where do you want to go on vacation?: PARIS! AND JAPAN AND KOREA AND LONDON! I know I'm greedy. :D Yay I can strike off Australia off my list in the Junes soon. Even though it isn't exactly a holiday but still. The Letter W What’s your worst habit?: Idk, procastinating? O_o Where do you live?: In your toilet. What’s your worst fear?: Heights and darkness. And deep water because there's darkness and it's scary? ): The Letter X Have you ever had an x-ray?: Yup, in the US. When I was P2. Have you seen the x-games?: What are you, an X-Man? Do you own a xylophone?: I owned one when I was young!!!! :D They're super fun to play with ting ting ting. The Letter Y Do you like the color yellow?: Yellow blinds me. But I like yellow orange though! What’s one thing you yearn for?: True friends. The Letter Z Whats your zodiac sign?: Zodiac? Chinese one? Dog then. If it's horoscope then Taurus. :D Do you believe in the zodiac?: Chinese Idk because I don't really care about it. It's the astrology/horocopes that I believe more in. Favorite zoo animal?: Lihui, pigs ain't clean. HAHA. ER PANDAS! Elephants stink from all their poo. back to top? |