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cause cold
chills me to the bones
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![]() Annabel Audrey Christine Eisabess Eunice Evia Jane Jiayun Kelila Lihui Likai Meiru NHBG Olivia Peklian Puikay Qilin Ruixuan Sermin Yeshze Yingying Nicholas Kh Phoebe Qianling Xavier Xianlin Xinyi Xinying Yingsuan Yuhan #002 #005 204'08 |
![]() zz. i think i should really change my blogskin. it's too.. spongebobby for me. x] hahah. currentlys: ohkay. maybe i shall blog about today's happenings, as an attempt to keep myself awake. x_x TODAY:D went to mag's house with kelila earlier. at 1 o'clock, actually. :D and i actually managed to reach parc oasis faster than kelila! (and plus she had not even boarded bus 334. LOL.) whee. that's a nice accomplishment, i think. :D considering the fact that i am constantly late for meet-ups and everything and that i most possibly may have the eligibility to earn the label of "late queen". oops. so yeah. i was pretty surprised and happy (LOL) that i was actually earlier than kelila. and she's late. rawr >:O oh wait, i think i was also. -.- ANYWAY, called mag after a short moment of waiting for kelila to arrive. we planned to wait for each other outside parc oasis, at the nearby bus-stop. but i was somewhat bored, so i decided to call mag to come down and sort of accompany me to wait. waited for dno how long (it's only a short amount of time i think) and maggie crap, im out of topic. anywayanyway, mag soon came down and within minutes, we were zi-highing &zi-hypering &zi-siaoing again. :B mag then asked if we wanted to wait for kelila. i was like, anything luh. so she called kelila to ask if she had boarded bus 334 already, which she did. so we decided to wait for her instead. :D lalala. so yeah a while later kelila arrived! ohjoy. the three crazy lunatics reunite again :D LOOL. thenthenthen. the three of us hogged the vaio laptop. hoho[: and we went to nowhere but NEOPETS, of course. x__x our stupid addiction. HAHAH :x and yeah, we sort of wasted lotslots of time cuz we (specificly, I) were supposed to be doing homework at mag's house TT but what to do. we're just kids who're addicted to using the computer, like every other :D hahah. then after surfing net surfing net and more surfing net, we finally left the house to buy food to tian bao our growling stomachs after much delaying. lols .__. we bought ICE-KACHANG, GIMME-ONE-GIMME-ONE-GIMME-ONE-MORE! JELLY, INSTANT MISO SOUP and i bought an additional small packet and jumbo packet seaweed. TAH KAE NOI! x3 lovesloves. after our uh foodie shopping spree, we went to pick mag's brother thaddeus (sp?) at the student care centre @ yuhua cc. OVERWHELMING CUTENESS :D LOL. and also another chance for kelila to flirt/rhape him liao. HAHAH MAG POOR THING x) thenthen. walked back to parc oasis and devoured our lovely food. YAYAYAY. seaweed. :B after that. we FINALLY remembered our homework. -.-! so we decided to pao our miso soup and bring them down, along with our homework, to the clubhouse. aircon ma. :D lol. and i scalded my tongue, rawr. hurt like shit. -.- andand. today was the day i officially touched my holiday homework. applause please. (: which was maths, hoho. i started a teeny weeny bit on the holiday assignment at the clubhouse. TT yup, it was around 8plus by then. past my curfew liao. x) so me and kelila left parc oasis after a loooooong goodbye-bidding to mag. lolololol. and guess what. we were like walking to the bus-stop when bus 334 just left. tmd. then kelila was like nvm and decided to take bus 98 with me. ^^ thenthen, we were talking crap and crapping talk (zomg. what am i talking) when bus 98 came. so we walked to the front of the bus-stop and expecting the bus to stop. but it DIDN'T! cuz no one flagged the bus, and nor did anyone pressed the bell in the bus. WTF LAH. we chionged after the bus but. no use TT and because of that stupid mistake, we waited for the next bus for another FORTY PLUS FREAKING MINUTES. and we also missed 3 (and more) 334 buses. butbut, puikay was there to entertain us LOL. i was like talking to puikay on the phone and leting kelila crap to her also hahahahah. hilarious moments. :B and finally. the stupid bus 98 came. by then i had already swore to hate buses 98 for the rest of my life. so too bad. -sticks out tongue. and yeah. that's all. [: ---------- ohmygod. i like, finally remembered to include my reply to tags after blog entries. YAYAYAY. cheers for myself. x] replies to tags! bernice ohkay [: nps. chantal hello chiobu. :D lolol. yeah i did earlier. LOL :D whee. done. <3 back to top? |