Thursday, April 12, 2007 @ 10:15 PM
%what's your full name?
- amanda lu pei yu. (:
%what colour pants are u wearing?
- dark blueeh.
%what are u listening to right now?
- chinese 10 o' clock news.
%are your legs crossed?
- no. they're squeezing under the laptop table. because it's crampy. :D
%what is the last thing u ate?
- choc fudgie sundae @mcd!
%if u were a crayon what colour would u be?
%what is the weather right now?
- a lil' chilly..? cos its night-time now.
%last person u talked to on the phone?
- err. ohgawsh i forgot :/ must be ages ago eheheh.
%first thing u notice 'bout the opposite sex?
- ah. everything? LOL.
%do u lyk the person who sent u this?
%how are you today?
- perfectly alright. (:
%favourite drink?
- coke. &honeydew milkah<3
%favourite alcoholic drink?
- i dont drink alcohol tyvm.
%what is ur favourite sport?
- BDMN LAH WHAT ELSE. &maybe bball tho i suck at it ):
%hair colour?
- darkdark brown.
%eye colour?
- brown:D
%do u wear contacts?
- nope cos its very troublesome.
- 2 uberuber biggg bruthas. &i dont mean literally :X
%favourite month?
- may! bcos its my birthmonth heh.
%favourite food?
- LOADS ! ack.
&the last movie you watched?
- high school musical! no im not outdated i just rewatched it recently. -.-
%favourite day of the yr?
- 19 may. coming soon [:
%saturday or sunday:
saturday! whoos.
%are u too shy to ask someone out if its a guy
- doh :/
%do u lyk marmite?
- used to when i was young but i dont even eat it now -.-
%summer or winter?
- summer. :D
%hugs or kisses?
- BOTH :D yes im greedy. heh P:
%chocolate or vanilla?
- vanilla. CHOC'S TOO HEATY. ):
%do u want your friends to write back?
- absolutely?
%who's most likely to respond?
- frankly aye i dont know :X cos i dont really observe.
%who's least lykly to respond?
- dont know? perhaps those who are the last to notice this quiz. (:
%living arrangements?
- what the hell you toking.
%what book are you reading?
- princess diaries. <3
%do u wake up before ur alarm went off?
- RARELY. (:
%do u miss ur big brother yet?
- no because he is already back from usa and he just came back from work and was pestering me to let him use the laptop earlier so, i dont even wna miss him at all. (:
%favourite smell?
%what inspires you?
- anything &everything under the sun. :D yahlah i know my imagination very vivid one hahahahah.
%buttered, plain or salted popcorn?
%favourite crisps?
- RUFFLES ! thanks to my poopoo dee. i mean mei.
%favourite car?
- sports car? ._.
%favourite flower?
- DANDELIONS oh so love.
%how many keys do u have on your key ring?
- two. :D
%can you juggle?
- a little but after one or two juggles everything falls out of place liao. heh :X
%favourite dae of the week?
- wednesday. cos dismiss early :D
%red or white wine?
- neither. i dont drink wine. :/
%what did u do for ur last biRthdae?
- threw a birthday partay at home and then went to jec for kbox! HEH. &then i got a fever afterwards -.-
%do u own a donor card?
- naaah but i think my second bro has :D
%what's the first thing u think of when you wake up in the morning?
- either whats the time now? or zzz. go back to sleep.
%what r u going to do once u finish?
- BATHE. then chiong hw. then SLEEP.
%tag 5 people to do this quiz.
!leehwee dahling (:
!maggie jarjar(:
!silea love(:
!audrey buddy(:
!rachel shweetie:D
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