cause cold
chills me to the bones
mandy who? |
affiliates Annabel Audrey Christine Eisabess Eunice Evia Jane Jiayun Kelila Lihui Likai Meiru NHBG Olivia Peklian Puikay Qilin Ruixuan Sermin Yeshze Yingying Nicholas Kh Phoebe Qianling Xavier Xianlin Xinyi Xinying Yingsuan Yuhan #002 #005 204'08 |
Monday, February 05, 2007 @ 9:44 PM
BLOGGING YAY! <3WHAT ACCOMPLISHMENTS I'VE DONE TODAY :D! one, CREATING OF CLASS BLOG URL. (tempo) two, TAGBOARD'S ON! thanks to puikay lovelaye, hahahs. three, GETTING A GOOD GLIMPSE OF ONE-ELEVEN'S BLOG! AND OHMYGOD IT'S SO NICE CAN. but of course it is because its done by NONE OTHER THAN BESSHEE! *standing ovation. HAHAHS. four, GETTING TO VISIT BESSY'S BLOG FINALLY! RAWR. toopid blog password pop-up. five, ADDING ALL MY CLASSMATE'S EMAILS I HAVE! FROM START OF SCHOOL TILL NOW. x) six, GETTING TO BLOG AT LAST! tuotuotuo dao xian zai. ><; seven, SHOWING RIESKA &RACH MY FUGLY HAIR. okay maybe it looks better now :/ eight, POSTING MY FIRST ENTRY IN ONE-FOUR'S BLOG! WEETS! nine, GETTING TO BUY+EAT THE ICE-CREAM SOLD AT THE ICE-CREAM STAND OUTSIDE THE SCHOOL FOR THE FIRST TIME WITH GERMAINE, AUDREY, SUE-ANN AND HUIYI! (she didnt eat tho) mandy's going mentally insane. <3 TOMOROW IS GEOG TEST! GAH! MUST MUGMUGMUG LIKE BANGSAI! but im prepared to flunk it already, haishais): &thankyou ms teo for the counselling talk this morning(: i feel i didnt need it tho. but it still helped me no matter what :D MANDY WNA TURN IN & WAKE UP EARLYEARLY FOR GEOG TEST TOMORRO! sweet dreams &dont let the dustbunnies bite. <3 truckloads of <3, ; MANDY} back to top? |